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他身体很瓷实。He is solidly built.

这座桥造得很坚固。This bridge is very solidly built.

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农夫继续不动声色地给牛驾轭。The farmer continued solidly yoking his oxen.

这房子是用粗木板牢固地建造的。The house was built solidly of rough wooden planks.

它表现出它奇袭时的胆怯与坚强。It establishes him solidly as a bushwhacking coward.

他盯着穆斯莱拉,然后用力一脚将球踢了出去。He stared down Muslera, then stroked the ball solidly.

那个樱桃木镜也做得又高又大,十分牢固。The bureau of cherry was also high and wide and solidly built.

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那个樱桃木柜也做得又高又大,十分牢固。The bureau of cherry was also high and wide and solidly built.

他结结实实地打中了它,是把棍子举得尽量高才打下去的。He hit him solidly and from as high up as he could raise the club.

即使破损,玻璃片仍然与PVB膜牢固的粘连在一起。When the glass is broken, its fragments are bound solidly to PVB film.

阿砌石墙基给出了凉亭稳固的正式出台,例如。A masonry base wall gives a gazebo a solidly formal appearance, for instance.

萤火虫号全力一撞,船头牢牢插入希珀号船身。The Glowworm hit at full force and embedded her bows solidly into the Hipper.

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纯色的头部,从鼻尖开始,脸中间有一道白筋的是首选。A clearly defined white blaze and noseband are preferred to a solidly marked head.

安全阀绝不能用坚硬的管道连接到排水沟、水管或污水坑里。The relief valve should never be solidly piped into a drainage ditch, sewer or sump.

他说,约中关系基础牢固,越来越好。He said that Jordan-China relations are solidly based and becoming better and better.

上紧叶片弹簧加压机直到衬套凸缘的底部扎实地扺住叶片弹簧的孔眼。Tighten leaf spring press until bushing flange bottoms solidly against leaf spring eye.

总之,福特告诉华尔街的分析师,这个公司将在2011年有稳定的盈利。Overall, the company will be solidly profitable in 2011, Ford has told Wall Street analysts.

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而另一反面,住友在中国业务增长迅速,且连续盈利。On the other hand, Sumitomo has a rapidly growing business in China and is solidly profitable.

只有一块圆形的大石头稳稳地立在那儿,似乎成了唯一的目标。A large round rock, placed solidly on its base, was the only spot to which they seemed to lead.

他是山乡十里方园内有名的石匠,身体结实得像石头。He was a renowned stonemason in the mountain villages, who was a man as solidly built as a stone.