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侵权行为与损害结果之间存在因果关系。Tortious behavior is the reason of damage consequence.

所有人都受侵权法的保护,包括胎儿在内。Everyone is protected against tortious acts, including the embryo.

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普通注册商标,则只有在恶意注册的情况下才构成侵权。As to the ordinary brand, it is tortious only when it is registered malevolently.

第五,严厉打击“私服”、“外挂”和“盗号”等非法行为。The 5th, severe blow " illicit take " , " outside hang " and " pilfer date " etc tortious.

对与侵权诉讼有关的实用新型无效程序建立加速审理程序。Seting up accelerated judgement for invalidation procedure involved tortious lawsuit of Utility Model patent right.

大部分内容均收集自网上,如果你认为侵犯了你的版权,请通知我们,我们立即删除。Most of our content is collected from Internet, please contact us when some of them is tortious , we will delete it.

公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。Highway enterprises should bear the environmental tortious liability resulting from damages of traffic noise pollution.

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清算义务人的侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。Being in an affiliating status, tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy.

国务院著作权行政管理部门可以查处在全国有重大影响的侵权行为。The administrative department of copyright under the State Council may investigate and punish a tortious act of national influence.

虽然在我们把证券的流通成为一种交易,但对于发生在这种交易中民事纠纷学者们多主张以侵权法理论予以解决。The majorities argue for a tortious approach to civil dispute in transaction although which we look upon securities circulation as.

合同责任与侵权责任竞合是司法实践中常见的法律现象,理论上存在不同的学说。The coincidence of contractual and tortious liabilities is a common phenomenon in judicial practice, and it attracts differed theories.

第九条教唆、帮助他人实施侵权行为的,应当与行为人承担连带责任。Article 9 A party who induces or assists another party in committing a tortious act shall be jointly liable with the person in question.

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我国侵权行为归则原则包括过错责任原则和无过错责任原则。Doctrine of liability fixation for tortious act in China includes principle of liability with fault and principle of liability without fault.

对于普通的克隆网站非法行为,也可以向公安网监部门和通讯管理部门举报。Tortious to common clone website, also can inform against to branch of inspect of public security net and communication management department.

之后依“四要件说”对共同危险行为的行为、过错、因果关系、损害四个要件进行考察。Then according to"four-requiremented theory", we examine on the constructive requirements, which are tortious act, fault, causation and damage.

产品代言人利用公众的信赖通过代言营利,让其承担侵权责任具有合理性。It is reasonable to make the product spokespersons responsible for their tortious action for that they seek profits by making use of public's trust.

主要研究在医学领域内侵权行为的法律制度的经济学分析的可能性和必要性。This paper mainly researches the possibility and necessity of using economic analysis in studying the law system of tortious act within medical area.

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第二部分,通过历史分析的方法,对救助人侵权责任的归责原则的历史发展作了简要回顾。The historical development of the responsibility rule of the tortious liability of the salvor is briefly reviewed by historical analysis in Chapter Two.

从理论上界定侵权行为并在立法上将其一般条款化,关系到侵权法乃至整个民法典的立法体系问题。To define the tortious conduct in theory and prescribe it in legislation is a problem related to torts law and the entire legislation system of civil law.

医疗事故除包括责任事故和技术事故外,还应包括医疗差错。Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident. The legal nature of medical accident is tortious liability.