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我会和我的现任丈夫在卡普里。I will be in Capri with my new husband.

卡普瑞在笑个不停。“快点,你这个懦夫。”Capri can't stop laughing. “Come on, you wuss.”

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塞缪尔点点头,卡普瑞于用肘顶了顶他。Samuel nods and Capri nudges him to say something.

开普瑞扶起梯子,爬上屋檐。Capri picks up the ladder and climbs onto the roof.

他们九天旳蜜月在意大利卡普里岛度过。Their nine-day-long honeymoon was on the isle of Capri.

话已至此,塞缪尔知道卡普瑞要他怎样接过话头。With this Samuel knows what Capri wants him to say next.

天哪!你买卡普里的一所房子干用啊?。What in heaven's name would you do with a house in Capri?

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卡普里裤正在卷土重来,也可以在这里找到。Capri pants are making a comeback and can also be found here.

“快点,狗屎,”卡普瑞手里拿着张五块的钞票喊道。"Come on, chicken shit, " Capri says holding up a five-dollar bill.

刚好配上最近常穿的水蓝色七分裤!Happens to match the aqua capri pants I've been wearing a lot lately!

备显苗条的紧身裤从齐到膝盖到小腿下部。The slim-fit cut of a capri pants range from knee length to lower calf.

面对健康和卡普里岛和海滨度假的阿马尔菲海岸港口。It's a port for Capri and health and seaside resort on the Amalfi Coast.

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类。紧凑型敞篷…水星的名字卡普里已被用于多种不同的汽车多年。He "used" the name Mercury Capri for a variety of different cars for many "years.

卡普瑞终于忍不住疯笑了起来,爱狄一把推开塞缪尔。“你这头驴”Adie sees Capri grinning like mad and pushes Samuel away. "You're an ass, " she says.

我将参加一个一天的旅游团,游览那不勒斯,苏。I'm going on a one-day excursion to Naples, Sorrento and the picturesque island of Capri.

它来自意大利西南部的卡布里岛,各种食材的颜色也与意大利的国旗的色彩相一致。It originates from the southwest island of Capri in Italy and reflects the colors of the Italian flag.

在这八周时间里,我还曾到过米兰、那不勒斯、威尼斯、弗洛伦萨、庞培、索兰托和卡普里岛。Also, during these eight weeks, I travelled to Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence, Pompeii, Sorento and Capri.

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开普瑞用手术刀在青蛙身上划了两道切口,一道是从上往下,一道是横着腹部,看上去就像一个倒写的T字。Capri took the scalpel and made two incisions, one up the middle and one across the belly, like an upside down T.

太奇怪了,当时我正在意大利卡普里岛的游艇上,然后以前在比利时住一起的室友就把我落在开普敦酒店的书带给我了。So weird, I was on a yacht in Capri then my old roommate fromBelgium brought me the book I left in my Cape Town hotel.

太奇怪了,当时我正在意大利卡普里岛的游艇上,然后以前在比利时住一起的室友就把我落在开普敦酒店的书带给我了!So weird, I was on a yacht in Capri then my old roommate from Belgium brought me the book I left in my Cape Town hotel.