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典当业是一个既古老而又新兴的行业。The pawnbroking is an old and new developing trade.

典当业在新时期越来越明显地具备了“第二银行”的功能。Traditional pawnbroking are taking a great change in new times.

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不进行改革,就会制约典当业的发展。If we do not reform the development of pawnbroking will be limited.

明清时期,徽州典当业在全国各地所见颇多。During the Ming and Qing dynasty, the pawnbroking of Huizhou spread all over the country.

吉林省典当业发展规模和速度不断加快,业务范围不断扩大。The scale and speed of development of pawnbroking in Jilin Provice accelerated and the scope of business expanded.

近代上海典当业兴盛活跃,但迄今还没有学者对解放初期上海典当业进行专门的研究。However, there has been no scholar engaged in studying Shanghai Pawnbroking in the early new China era so far at present.

以广东省惠州市典当业为例,研究其发展过程中存在的问题及相应的对策选择。A case study on the problems and corresponding policy adjustments of pawnbroking in Huizhou city, Guangdong province, was discussed in this paper.

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吉林省典当业面临的机遇主要表现在目标客户的范围不断扩大,典当业务功能不断加强。Jilin Provincial Pawnbroking is facing the opportunity of the broadening of their target customers and the strengthening of pawning business functions.

经济不景气的时候,典当业却普遍被看好,由于它提供的金价和低息贷款在信贷紧缩的时候着实诱人。When economic times are tough it is generally thought that the pawnbroking industry booms--after all gold and cheap loans are tempting for credit crunchers.

经济不景气的时候,典当业却普遍被看好,因为它提供的金价和低息贷款在信贷紧缩的时候着实诱人。When economic times are tough it is generally thought that the pawnbroking industry booms--after all gold and cheap loans are tempting for credit crunchers.

清代康乾时期,徽州典当业在商业经济的资本积累和政府的支持下逐渐发展至顶峰。Sprouting in the middle-and-late Ming dynasty, the pawnbroking reached its peak in the Kangqian era, based on the capital accumulation and the support of the Qing government.

本文综合历史史料,对我国典当业的历史进行了一次全程式的扫描,并用理性思维论述了典当在中国历史上的作用。With the comprehensive historical materials, the history of our country's pawnbroking is scanned and pawnbroking's role in Chinese history is discussed with rational thinking.

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随着国民经济快速发展,近年来我国典当业开始出现高速增长态势,公司适时介入这个新兴行业。With the rapid development of the national economy in recent years, China's pawnbroking began high-speed growth, the company's involvement in the emerging industry in a timely manner.

调查中了解到,该团伙经常驾车抢劫,专案组立即对塘沽区的汽车租赁业、典当业及中小旅店进行了全面摸排。That survey, the groups have to drive robbery, an immediate task force on the Tanggu District, car rental industry, small and medium-sized hotels and pawnbroking a comprehensive Mopai.

本课题研究既可以反映当时上海社会政治经济的变迁,也可以充实典当业的相关研究领域,同时对当代典当业的发展、政府与行业组织的关系都有借鉴意义。This issue may reflect social changes in Shanghai of that time, enrich the relevant research fields of Chinese Pawnbroking, and maybe to promote the development of contemporary Pawnbroking.

本文论述了典当业在社会经济生活和资金流通中的作用,指出典当业传统的经营理念和管理思想已经不适合充满变革、挑战和机遇的新环境。This paper discusses the role of pawnbroking in society economic life and cash circulation. The traditional operating idea and management thought does not suited to new changeful environment.

本文主要借助上海档案馆藏上海典当业同业公会档案,着重探讨解放初期上海典当业的管理和改造。The thesis using the archives of Shanghai Pawnbroking Association acquired from Shanghai Municipal Archives focuses on Shanghai Pawnbroking management and transformation in the early new China era.