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此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。This dissemination of plum wine aroma.

闲暇美育的传播是一个过程。The dissemination of leisure aesthetic education is a course.

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正如我们的根本上师所教导,弘法是可以用很多的形式出现。As our Root Guru taught, dissemination of dharma comes in many forms.

广为传播如何实现创新的信息也是关键。The key is dissemination of information about how innovation happens.

肝癌自发破裂出血腹腔播散以及医源性种植。Dissemination of metastasis by spontaneous hemorrhage of liver cancer.

它传染性强,传播途径多,杀伤范II大。Its infectious, the dissemination way are many, kills Fan in a big way II.

可以是宣传信息,欣赏还有指导的目的。It can be for dissemination of information, appreciation and instructional.

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留法勤工俭学运动对社会主义在中国传播中的作用和影响。The movement's status and effect on the dissemination of socialism in China.

由此造成的重复配送费用,我们将不承担责任。Froms this result in repetition dissemination expense, We will not bear duty.

庙沟铁矿矿石性质复杂,嵌布粒度极细。Miaogou iron ore has complex properties and extremely fine dissemination size.

无线传感器网络的一种节能数据发布协议。Clustering wavelets to speed-up data dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks.

现在需要的是对最佳实践方案的远远更广泛的评估和传播。What is needed now is a much wider assessment and dissemination of best practice.

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促进法律意识、法治观念的确立和传播。Promotion legal awareness, government by law idea establishment and dissemination.

第二章是对新闻传播娱乐化倾向的历史回顾。The second chapter reviews the entertainment history of the dissemination of news.

主审法官禁止进一步传播或出售其中四张照片。The presiding judge prohibited further dissemination or sale of four of the photos.

这些变化与地图的外观和功能及他们的分散度有关。These changes are related to the look and function of maps and their dissemination.

复制之易和传播速度之快,使他们面临关张的威胁。Ease of copying and the speed of dissemination threaten to put them out of business.

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是由性传播引起的慢性全身性传染性疾病。Is chronic body-wide communicable disease which causes by the natural dissemination.

所有这些,都是由网络艺术传播中的互动规律所决定的。These features are decided by interactive laws of the dissemination of net art works.

西方自由思想自传入中国,其命运多舛是众所周知的。It is well known that the dissemination of western freedom thought in china is zigzag.