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为例,将编码器和代码。For QuickTime, codec code cases are mixed.

让我告诉您如何摆脱对醋酸乙烯酯编解码器。Let me show you how to get rid of VAC Codec.

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这么做会让H.264成为Web上codec事实上的标准。H.264 becomes the de facto codec for the Web.

阿瓦玛丽亚莎拉布莱曼视频和视频编码。Ava Maria video and "Sarah" Brightman video codec.

现在,最流行的视频格式是H.264。Perhaps the most popular video codec on the street is H.264.

本文报告了一种新的纯软件视频编解码算法。A novel software-only video codec is presented in this paper.

游戏应用程序与CAL而非编解码器交互动作。The game application interacts with the CAL and not the codec.

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本文围绕基于FPGA的M-JPEG编解码器的设计展开研究工作。Research work focuses on the design of FPGA-based M-JPEG codec.

所选的视频编解码器不支持隔行扫描处理。The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.

如果你感染了醋酸乙烯酯编解码器,你应该知道你在战斗。If you're infected with VAC Codec , you should know what you're fighting.

目前,它是不可能的建立和增加客户编解码器模块。At present, it is not possible to build and add customer codec modules to.

Hickson认为最后的赢家要满足如下条件Hickson considers the winning codec will have to satisfy the following conditions

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PackageKit寻找合适的编码器和译码器,如果你同意,就会自动被安装。PackageKit then looks for the appropriate codec and, if you approve, installs it.

从编解码器处理后的信息迅速流动模糊了的结果。Pixilation results from the codec having to deal with the rapid flow of information.

测试是由MPEG-2编码器的Lisaac版本得出的,它由一个C语言版本复制而来。Tests have been run with an MPEG-2 codec written in Lisaac, copied from a C version.

其次,提出了一种分形和小波相结合的混合视频编码算法FEZW。We also designed a new fractal wavelet hybrid video codec based on EZW, called FEZW.

同时通过自制一块语音编解码拓展板,实现了全双工通信。Meanwhile, an audio codec circuit board is made to realize full-duplex communication.

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针对这一问题,采用精细可扩展编码的思想设计了多视角视频编码器。In this paper, a new multiview video codec based on the FGS coding method is proposed.

运动图像专家组。计算机音频视频的ISO标准编解码方式。Moving Picture Expert Group. It is an ISO standard codec for computer audio and video.

结果,我们就有了一种任何人都可以免费使用、不用担心专利问题的视频格式。The result is a video codec that is unencumbered by patents and free for anyone to use.