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死猪不怕开水烫。A dead pig fears not scalding water.

我想抿一口茶,可是太烫了。I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding.

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但不总是,我的心是热的吗?My heart is it hot?Forever. It is very scalding.

事后,我们烫烫的肌肤一直拥抱在一起。After that, we have been scalding hot embrace of the skin together.

动物分烫伤组和驻极体治疗组。The animals were divided into scalding group and electret treatment group.

将婴儿放入太热的浴水里也是一个烫伤的常见原因。Placing a baby in bath water that is too hot is another common cause of scalding.

意外发生后,要不烫伤要不通过移动来避免高温的水流。Accidents occur through scalding or through movements to avoid the stream of water.

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你只能在灼烫火蜥蜴进行攻击时使用此异能,并且一回合只能使用一次。Play this ability only if Scalding Salamander is attacking and only once each turn.

为此,介绍了网带式漂烫机的工作原理、设计、计算及总体参数的确定。The whole parameters of screen conveyer fulling and scalding machine was determined.

他手中依然攥着那杯热茶,本能地一饮而尽,舌头都被灼伤了。Still clutching the warm cup in his fist, he gulped reflexively, scalding his tongue.

据指称,虐待包括殴打、用刀割伤,用热水烫伤。Abuse allegedly included beatings, slashing with a knife, and scalding with hot water.

蒸汽从排气装置中涌出,环绕在他四周,滚烫的管道使这片区域像个迷宫一样。Steam pours out from exhausts around him, and scalding hot pipes make the area a maze.

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接反之后,会直接导致温控阀失效,并容易酿成烫伤事故。Other way of connection will cause failure of the thermostatic cartridge and even scalding.

失控的john把她绑在汽车旅馆装满滚烫热水的浴缸里。The out-of-control john who tied her up in a motel bathtub and filled it with scalding water.

接下来的感觉就是仿佛被人用一桶滚烫的开水浇遍了全身。The next sensation was as though someone had dumped a large bucket of scalding hot water on me.

实心黄铜做的洗涤槽,水龙头内随时都可以提供滚烫的热水用来冲茶或做热巧克力。The center island has a solid brass sink with instant scalding hot water for making tea or hot chocolate.

那哭肿的眼睛将不再流泪,因过一会儿就有个光明自由的世界。O eyes that are red with weeping, cease your scalding flow, for in a little while ye shall know no more tears!

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蒸汽缭绕的热池和海底滚烫的热液喷泉为喜好热量的极端主义者提供了温暖舒适的生存环境。Steaming hot pools and scalding undersea hydrothermal vents provide a cosy habitat for heat-loving extremists.

她们经常与让人害怕的新发明、化学药品、尖锐的东西和滚烫的铁器作斗争。They routinely do battle with terrifying contraptions, chemicals, sharp objects and irons capable of scalding.

在咆哮著的炙热的岩浆中,在怒吼著的阴冷的寒风中,你们会明白上帝欺骗了你们。In the roaring scalding fulgurites, in the blusterous bleak storm, you will all realize that the god deceived you.