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在政治领域,每天都有进步的事情发生。In politics, betterment is happening day by day.

那是社会分工中女性的角色。That would be the feminine contribution to the betterment of society.

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他们说精神分析思想会让社会得到改进。They said psychoanalytic thinking could make for the betterment of society.

通过ASHRAE,共享技术,促进人类进步。Through ASHRAE, technical experience is shared for the betterment of humanity.

用互联网的先进技术提升人类的生活品质是腾讯公司的使命。Tencent's mission is to use Internet-related technologies for the betterment of human life.

同时,为了我们两个国家的福祉乃至全世界的福祉,我们两国都应当起领导作用。And that we need to be leading on not only for the betterment of our nations, but the world," she said.

但是,嘿,走一小会根本不会伤害到你的草坪,尤其是为了让你珍爱的草坪长得更好。But hey, a little walking never hurts, especially when undertaken for the betterment of your prized garden.

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分析结果为物理样机的试制和改进设计提供了依据。The analytic results provide the basis for trial-manufacture of physical prototyping and betterment design.

相反,美国采用了治标不治本的放松信贷政策——在所有人心中维系了经济改善的幻象。Instead, the US applied the palliative of easy credit – sustaining an illusion of economic betterment for all.

印度教妇女遵守一整天的斋戒,祈愿家庭与社会能因此改进。Hindu women observe a day-long fast during the festival, wishing for the betterment of their family and society.

通过纯洁和良好的行为以及值得赞扬和适当的品格才能达到世界的改进。The betterment of the word can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds through commendable and seemly conduct.

纯洁与良好的行为、可嘉与适当的操守能够促进世界的改善。The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct.

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只有这样,我们才能克服挑衅,按照我们既定的路线走向永远的和平和人类幸福。Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment.

这些模拟结果期望着能为为试验装置的优化及改进提供了良好的帮助和理论基础。These results of simulation is expected to offer help and rationale for optimization and betterment of experimental facilities.

我们教育孩子对自己拥有的才能和资源要心存感激,并且尽力善加利用来造福他人。We teach our girls to appreciate the talents and resources they have and do their best to use them for the betterment of others.

写完早上的改善评价,看了他们的重组栏目,我开始考虑投资重组。After writing this morning’s Betterment review and reading about their rebalancing feature, I started thinking about rebalancing.

两人放下身段,以成衣厂的经验结合专业在志业上、精进付出。Putting their status aside, the two combine their profession with charity, devoting their knowledge to the betterment of society.

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仿真试验表明,新型遥传测井仪接口电路的设计方法是实际可行的,它是对传统遥传测井仪的较大改进。Simulation test has proved that the design method of new TLI . is feasible, it is a betterment to conventional logging instrument.

我门就可彰显人类改良和意识境界提升的神秘了。So that we can manifest from the mystery for the betterment of mankind, and for the better of the universal spiritual consciousness.

中国的领土扩张政策导致地区紧张关系,最好加以避免,寻求与所有邻国改善关系。Chines territory expansion policy invite some regional tension better to avoid and look for betterment for all neighboring countries.