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有人告诉我,它可能是一个劫机者。I Was told it may be a hijacker.

最后,这名劫匪被判刑3年。The hijacker was sentenced to 3 years.

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劫机犯刚走下飞机就被捕了。The hijacker was lifted immediately after he stepped down the plane.

在一架飞机上没有任何一个人曾经可能拒绝一名劫机者。There is not very much anyone can do once a hijacker is on board an aeroplane.

因此我认为劫持者对自己丢失工作和政府对此次事故都处理得错误。To me the hijacker and the authorities that handled the incident are all at fault.

在八十二十四,劫机者穆罕默德阿塔的声音在电台听到。At eighty twenty-four, the voice of hijacker Mohamed Atta was heard over the radio.

法特希不肯透露劫机者的身份,他说,劫机者没有提出任何具体的要求。Fathy declined to identify the hijacker and said he had not made any concrete demands.

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于是特种部队成员化装成医护人员,登上客机,迅速控制客机,制服了劫机犯。Special forces disguised themselves as doctors, came aboard, and arrested the hijacker.

我慢慢地领着劫机者到后舱,尽可能远离驾驶员和乘客。Slowly, I led the hijacker to the back of the plane, as far away from the pilots and passengers as possible.

该市市长称,劫匪告诉船员,自己是库尔德武装组织成员。The city's mayor said the hijacker had told the crew he was a member of the Kurdish militant group, the PKK.

一个客机挟持者可能被录像捕捉到,或者有机票和其它告密者,让我们找出他的身份。An airline hijacker might be caught on video or leave behind a ticket or other telltale clue to his identity.

在飞机起飞后,劫机者强行进入飞行员的驾驶舱,并用枪威胁他。After the plane had taken off, the hijacker would force his way into the pilot's cockpit and threaten him with a gun.

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塞浦路斯公共电视台报道称,劫机者是一名27岁的埃及人。电视台称他请求政治避难。Cyprus public television reported that the hijacker was a 27-year-old Egyptian. He asked for political asylum 6, it said.

中国警方开枪打死一名在中国西北地区劫持一组澳大利亚游客为人质的客车劫持者。Chinese police have shot and killed a bus hijacker in northwest China after he took a group of Australian tourists hostage.

他说,他被选为劫机犯之后,在动手之前,录了一盘“壮士录影带”。He allegedly was selected to be a hijacker and made a "martyr video" in preparation for the operation, but was unable to get a U.

如果他拒绝劫机者,那么这架飞机很有可能坠毁,飞机上每个人也都会死。If he refuses to do what the hijacker wants then there is a strong chance that the plane will crash and everyone on board will be killed.

这意味着如果有人偷了或者猜出了你的密码,他仍然不能登录,因为他没有你的电话。This means that if someone steals or guesses your password, the potential hijacker still can’t sign in to your account, because they don’t have your phone.

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这则广告重定位的网址是,据GeekPolice.net安全网站表示,这个网站上的所谓安全软件全部都是由黑客软件伪装的。The site,, is a so-called hijacker that uses fraudulent strategies to promote fake security software, according to security site

埃及旅游局官员坚称,机场安保措施均已实施。塞浦路斯官员称呼这名劫机者为赛义夫·埃尔丁·穆斯塔法,并声称这名劫机者“心理状态不平稳。”Egypt's tourism ministry insisted all airport security measures had been "fully implemented". Cypriot officials named the hijacker as Seif Eldin Mustafa and said he was "psychologically unstable".

中国政府强烈谴责歹徒暴行,对罹难香港同胞表示沉痛哀悼,对罹难同胞家属表示深切慰问。Yang said that the Chinese government is shocked by the event, feels deeply grieved over the death of Hong Kong compatriots and strongly condemns the violence of hijacker against innocent tourists.