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这是谁的光盘随声听?Whose CD Walkman is it?

一个CD刻录机和一张空白的CD。A CD burner and a blank CD.

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谁拿走了那盘光盘。Who has taken away that CD?

你能递给我那个激光唱机吗?Can you pass me the CD player?

这张CD纯粹是“泡泡糖”流行音乐。This CD is pure bubblegum pop.

你可以把激光唱片带到学校来吗?You can bring the CD to school.

我可以在这台光碟机烧录光碟吗?Can I burn CDS on this CD drive?

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我把第四张CD丢了I lost CD four to my six-CD set.

安装盘有自检功能。可是试试。Try another Install CD may help.

你不喜欢这张CD的什么?What do you dislike about this CD.

低音真的是美好的在这一个激光唱碟上。The bass is really nice on this CD.

也可以从光盘安装编辑器。They can also be installed from CD.

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早日买房,世界大同,我也几想啊。Square big money, Please buy his CD.

我是王南。我买了一张新光盘。This is Wang Nan. I bought a new CD.

他正把一张光盘放入光盘播放器中。He was slotting a CD into a CD player.

培根先生曾是一个音乐CD的代理商。Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent.

今日,我买左卫兰只碟呀!!!!!!!Today, I bought a CD for Janice! ! ! !

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换句话说,这个CD唱机能够播放CD碟。In other words this CD player plays CDs.

我们当中约翰的激光唱机是最新的。John's CD player is the newest among us.

公司免费赠送技术教学光盘。The company free technology teaching CD.