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老约翰只管继续敲敲打打地干活儿。Old John kept right on hammering.

仿佛在用锤子不断地捶打As if I were hammering and hammering

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他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。He is hammering at his studies recently.

最好使用铜棒或铜锤进行锤击。Corymbosa best to use copper or hammering.

木匠正在作坊里锤打。The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.

我听见卧室里有低低的锤打声。I heard a low hammering sound in the bedroom.

铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。The blacksmith is hammering the red-hot metal.

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她听见他的寝室里有一种低沉的捶打声音。She heard a low hammering sound in the bed-room.

我能听见他在隔壁房间捶击的声音。I could hear him hammering in the house next door.

谷歌开发者正在苦心研究这些问题。Google developers are hammering away at the problem.

那么,在大多数情况下,他不会受到任何锤击铁钉。Well, in most cases he won't be hammering any nails.

维多利亚追将出来,狠命捶打房门。Victoria followed, hammering furiously upon his door.

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他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture.

隔壁那个男孩又在呯呯地敲门。The boy next door has been hammering on the door again.

建设不只是锤打东西放在一起。Construction isn't just about hammering things together.

然而,在早上8点的时候,打桩机开始轰鸣了。However, at 8 a. m. , the pile driver started hammering.

我花了两个小时才把那个广告钉在墙上。I spent 2 hours hammering up the announcement on the wall.

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鞋面锤平机鞋口锤平机具有锤打和电热烫平功能。It has function of hammering and electric heating ironing.

战术轰炸机对整个西北海滩实施了猛烈轰炸。Tactical bombers were hammering the whole northwest coast.

用锤子要比螺丝刀快一些,她解释道。Hammering was faster than using a screwdriver, she explained.