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如此轻率是不可原谅的。Such indiscretion cannot be pardoned.

言行失检怎么能持续两个月?How can an indiscretion last two months?

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这件事非同小可,不能轻举妄动。This is not a trivial matter,don't be indiscretion.

我告诫他谈话切忌轻率。I warned him against indiscretion in his conversation.

也不要激媒体当场捕捉到你的不检点行为。Don't dare the press to catch you in an indiscretion either.

如果我有什么言行失检之处使你为难,祈请原谅。Forgive me if any indiscretion on my part has embarrassed you.

这个愚蠢的轻率行为损坏了比尔先生的公众形象。That foolish indiscretion took away from Mr. Bill public image.

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人们不要因为一件幼稚的轻率举动就断送青年人的前程。One should not wreck a young man's career for a single boyish indiscretion.

“上帝保佑,我不知道,”回答是,“至少这是我第一次粗心大意。"Bless me, I don't know," came back. "At least this is my first indiscretion.

也许她想找一个丈夫,如果她的轻率的行为会有什么结果。Perhaps she had been trying to find a husband, in case something came of her indiscretion.

但是,这些防范措施,还是保护不了曼宁这个军事分析家,他因为自己的轻率招致了牢狱之灾。Such precautions, however, could not protect Mr Manning, the army analyst, from his own indiscretion.

他们显然非常兴奋,并且无所顾忌地互相谈论。They were evidently in high state of excitement, and they chattered to one another with much indiscretion.

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虽然这个前锋为他的不慎重道歉,他觉得他能够继续呆在巴西。Though the forward apologised for his indiscretion he conceded it could be tough for him to stay in brazil.

如果你一直对他保持疏远,或者你从来不曾相信过他,那么就是你把他推向了这个深渊。If you keep a constant distance from him, or if you never trust him, then you are driving him into indiscretion.

信息不对称引起了代理人问题,如道德风险、内部人控制,以及?。Thus, information asymmetry gives rise to agency problems such as moral hazard, insider control, and managerial indiscretion.

美国人每天在各种情况中践踏关心与管闲事之间、得体与轻率之间的微妙界线。Americans, every day, in all sorts of situations, tread the fine line between concern and nosiness, between propriety and indiscretion.

然而,与一个对立政治派别领袖女儿的鱼水之欢却是一件极为草率的行为,源氏也因此被迫流亡。But sleeping with the daughter of the leader of the opposing political faction is one indiscretion too many and Genji is forced into exile.

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“有时,如果你是个男孩,那你很容易玩出界”,我说,“记住,一瞬间的大意会毁掉你的一生。”"Sometimes, it's easy to get carried away when you're with a boy, " I said. "Remember, a short moment of indiscretion could ruin your life."

我倒是想让她多讲些她朋友的细节,但是我明白自己对此话题的过分热情反而让这位妇女后悔她说话有些轻率了。I try to squeeze out more details about her friend, but I see that my unseemly enthusiasm for the topic is making the lady regret her indiscretion.

学生的“问题行为”与犯罪心理学所认定的“越轨犯规行为”都是对某些行为规范的偏离和违反,在这个意义上说,两者并没有什么显著的区别。The students'"problem action"and"act of indiscretion"defined by crime psychology refer to their behavior of aberration, and in this sense, they have no difference.