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他总是采用一种非常宽广的音乐空间。He's always taken a musically broad perpective.

音乐上不合节拍就是出娄子。Musically to break time of tempo is to brown off.

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请记住,你的老师希望你在音乐上有所提高。Remember that your teacher wants you to improve musically.

我母亲的家族一向都有很好的音乐天赋。My mother's side of the family has always been musically inclined.

就像一把将你抓住,用音乐不停击打你的脸Sort of grabbing you here, hitting you in the face, whatever, musically.

这是一张在音乐上和歌词上都讲述一个故事的概念专辑。It is a concept record that tells a single story both musically and lyrically.

最后,房间各式各样的钟都悦耳地敲了十一点钟。Eventually all over the room clocks of diverse pattern musically chimed eleven.

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这支乐队在音乐上的成长及创造力实在是令我惊讶。I am totally surprised at how the band has evolved musically and what they dared!

她很漂亮,嗓音甜美,极具音乐天赋,很聪明的一个女孩。She is a beautiful dear person, with a beautiful voice, musically gifted, and brilliant.

死神的舞蹈,听起来是那么地悦耳动人,一定是冥界的芭蕾。This dance of death which sounds so musically was sure intended for the corpse de ballet.

在西方,其实从音乐的角度讲,1953-1955这几年间被看作是摇滚年。In fact, in the West, musically speaking, the years 1953-55 are known as the rock 'n' roll years.

只从音乐的角度讲,这是我在麦迪逊广场花园看过的最精彩的表演。Musically, just musically speaking, that was the best show that I've seen at Madison Square Garden.

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而这么作的话将没有你不能从技术和音乐性上掌握的口琴作品。But there will then be no harmonica composition that you could not master technically and musically.

尽管这些场景为歌剧增添了黑色幽默以及很强的活力,但在音乐上还是平淡的。Though these scenes lend black humor and boisterous vitality to the opera, they are musically flat-footed.

谢乐尔的母亲是一位钢琴教师,因此谢乐尔和她的两个姐姐都通晓乐理就不足为奇了。Her mom is a piano teacher, so it's no wonder that Sheryl, and her two sisters, were all musically literate.

现在,普契尼提供了一件小小的精品,无论从音乐还是故事情节上来说。因此,我所要做的,只是将它拼装起来就行了。Here, Puccini has a little masterpiece both musically and in terms of the story, so all I had to do was mount it.

这可以证明足以检测在最大负荷状态下和声中的变化的那些音频通知是表示有问题的。This may prove problematic to those musically inclined enough to detect a change in harmony at maximum utilization.

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大概在那个时候,我的音乐家父母就意识到他们唯一的儿子并没有遗传音乐天赋。This was around the time my musician parents recognized that their one and only offspring was not musically gifted.

16岁时,这位在音乐方面多才多艺的年轻女子考上了中国音乐学院,学习民族音乐。The musically versatile young girl enrolled to study folk music at the Chinese Conservatory of Music in Beijing at 16.

今天上帝也赐恩给许多圣徒,在信徒聚会时服事音乐,带领崇拜。Today God has also gifted many of His people to minister musically to the fellowship of believers and lead in worship.