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我们都挺了不起的。We all did terrific.

她真是一个美丽的尤物。She is a terrific fuck.

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总的来说,你干得很棒。You did terrific over all.

这些都是杰出的作品。All the works are terrific.

这道题得到25/25,真棒。You get 25 out of 25, terrific.

好了,这不可怕吧?All right, isn't that terrific?

我觉得这衣服你穿着漂亮极了。I think it looks terrific on you.

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整个气氛棒极了!The whole atmosphere is terrific.

我认为她是一个顶呱呱的歌手。I think she's one terrific singer.

他近身的控球很棒。He has terrific close ball control.

上帝成就了件惊人之举。So, God had done something terrific.

您是美妙,妙极和上面。You 're wonderful, terrific and tops.

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好的,非常好,事实上超乎想象Okay. Great. This is actually terrific.

太棒了,你可以向我展示一怎样蹦迪。Terrific. You can show me how to dance.

那部车以惊人的速度开过去。The car drove past at a terrific speed.

“弗耶是个优秀的球员,”布鲁克斯说。“Foye is a terrific player,” Brooks said.

我妻子做各种针线活儿都棒极了。My wife is terrific at any kind of sewing.

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可畏此门槛亘着先知古誓、Terrific threshold of the prophet's pledge

到时候就会变成一种可怕的迷幻剂。Which then becomes a terrific hallucinogen.

毫无疑问,达格利什是稳定目前局面的最好人选。Kenny is a terrific stabiliser of the situation.