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定价高于边际成本Price above that.

价格已跌落。Price has declined.

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你方价格高。Your price is high.

他们付出了代价,They’ve now pay the price.

这里指问价。I asked her the price.

价格剧降。Price is on downslide.

这个价格是含税价。The price is with tax.

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B的价格为0.2。The price of B is 0.2.

这是我们的FOB价格单。Here are our FOB price.

这是我们的价目表。Here is our price list.

肉跌价了。Price for meat dropped.

价格范畴是多少?What's the price ambit?

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我付了双倍的价钱。I paid double the price.

她对这价格犹豫不决。She balked at the price.

那块美玉是无价之宝。That gem is above price.

每晚房金多少?What is the price night?

忠言是价值千金。Good hints is more price.

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我以低价将它买下。I bought it at low price.

建议零售价?Recommended retail price?

米价已经上涨了。The rice price has risen.