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次年,担任爱德华·布雷多克将军的助手。The next year, as an aide to Gen.

助手尤金•卡恩也加入了他们。Aide Eugene Kang also joined them.

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那天,助手把克拉拉也推进来了。That day, an aide had brought Clara to the group.

奥巴马与他的私人助手在火车上休息。Obama and his personal aide Reggie Love relax on board.

一个助手宣布晚餐已经在食堂大厅准备好了。An aide announced that dinner was ready in the mess hall.

卡罗尔.拉斯科成了我的助手,负责卫生与公共服务方面。Carol Rasco became my aide for health and human services.

而且,我上午班和下午班各有一位助手来帮忙一个钟头。And I have one aide that comes in for an hour at each class.

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这是两周来第二次对奥巴马助手的围攻。It was the second dust-up to surround an Obama aide in two weeks.

一名总统助理说,谢里夫随身佩戴着AK-47步枪。One presidential aide said Mr. Sharif was armed with an AK-47 rifle.

田副官按照许冬梅的嘱咐来到了通海,并带来了信件。Tian aide by Xu Dongmei charge came to the sea, and brought a letter.

珍妮现在是教会学校幼儿班老师的助手。Now, Jenny is a teacher’s aide in the religious school’s kindergarten.

当前还没有图形界面客户羰来帮助进行配置。There are currently no graphical clients to aide in this configuration.

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为什么我的眼里常晗泪水,因为我对这片土地爱得深沉。Why are my eyes always Han tears, because I am the land Aide Shen Shen.

"我们有点陷入僵局,"参议院一位民主党议员对记者说."We're kind of at an impasse," a Senate Democratic aide told reporters.

马丁是格里·亚当斯的高级助手,他自己就是一员得力干将。Martin was Gerry Adams’s top aide and a powerful force in his own right.

卢·斯通在担任艾森豪威尔副手期间结识了杰奎琳·戈迪特。Jacqueline Goddet met Lou Stone when he was working as an aide to Eisenhower.

丘吉尔的一名颇为无趣的副官更简单称她为“性与政治”的结合。An unromantic aide of Churchill said simply that she mixed “sex and politics”.

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为什么我眼里常含着泪水,因为我对这土地爱得深沉。Why do my eyes always filled with tears, because I am the land Aide Shen Shen.

艾莉来到华盛顿特区,成了国会女议员维多利亚拉德的助手。Elle comes to Washington DC to work as an aide to Congresswoman Victoria Ruddy.

他和他的侍从官遭到四个年轻军官的埋伏,被他们用手提式轻机枪射死。He and his aide were ambushed and tommy-gunned to death by four young officers.