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这就是所谓的药物预防法。This is known as drug prophylaxis.

谁付钱给医生谁去预防。He who pays the doctor decides the prophylaxis.

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不为性暴力受害者提供接触艾滋病毒感染者的预防服务。Post-exposure prophylaxis against HIV infection was not offered.

暴露前口服药物预防艾滋病-箭筒中的另一支箭?Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV — Another Arrow in the Quiver?

借由防蚊措施及药物预防可防止其发生。It can be prevented through anti-mosquito measures and drug prophylaxis.

美国应用抗凝药预防深静脉血栓的情况如何?What is the status of anticoagulant for the prophylaxis of DVI in USA at present?

预防性使用氟嗪酸不能减少肠道感染。Prophylaxis usage of floxacin could not reduce patient'gastrointestinal infection.

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氟康唑是最普遍的对所有患者和高危患者的预防性用药。Fluconazole was the most commonly used agent for universal and targeted prophylaxis.

由于IFD的高死亡率,应考虑预防或早期治疗。Prophylaxis or early treatment should be considered given the high mortality of IFD.

欧洲应用抗凝药预防深静脉血栓的情况如何?What is the status of anticoagulant for the prophylaxis of DVT in Europe at present?

国外医学。预防。诊断。治疗用生物制品分册。Foreign Medicine Section of Biological Products For Prophylaxis. diagnosis. and Therapy.

目的研究普外科围手术期预防性抗生素合理应用状况。Objective To study the status of rational antimicrobial prophylaxis in pen-operation stage.

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活动性真菌预防性治疗首选棘白菌素。The leading choice for mold-active agents for antifungal prophylaxis was the echinocandins.

良好的食疗,是延缓衰老、防治癌症的物质基础。Good dietotherapy, it is to delay anile , prophylaxis and treatmentCancercorporeal foundation.

因此,抗流感病毒药物研究在流感治疗中具有重要意义。This has led to focus on the development of anti-influenza drugs for treatment and prophylaxis.

抗病毒预防降低移植术后早期淋巴细胞增生性疾病。Antiviral prophylaxis has lowered the rate of early post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease.

人暴露前及暴露后正确免疫能明显减少发病。Proper pre-exposure vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis could decrease incidence obviously.

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目的探讨前列腺电切术后膀胱内大量积血的腔内处理及预防。To investigate endoscopic treatment and prophylaxis of the massive hematocele in bladder after TVP.

关于接触前预防的一个例子就是应用抗逆转录病毒药物作为预防措施。One example of pre-exposure prophylaxis is the use of anti-retroviral drugs as a preventive measure.

目的探讨阑尾残株炎的发病原因、诊断、治疗及预防措施。Objective To probe the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of appendix stump inflammation.