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他住在纳什维尔。He lives in Nashville.

为什么我们不住在纳什维尔?Why aren’t we staying in Nashville?

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我听说纳什维尔的乡村音乐很有名。I heard that Nashville is well-known for country music.

和纽约,纳什维尔是音乐产业的顶级城市。New York and Nashville are the top music producing cities.

这起事故发生在田纳西州的士麦那。The accident happened in Smyrna, Tennessee, near Nashville.

毕竟,纳什维尔是无容置疑的乡村音乐之乡。After all, Nashville is the undisputed home of country music.

为何那什维尔不只吸引乡村音乐迷呢?What attracts more than just country music fans to Nashville ?

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当初克莱顿刚搬到纳什维尔我就知道了。I was lucky enough to get to know Clayton once he moved to Nashville.

纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学的考古学家汤姆·迪雷亥说。says archaeologist Tom Dillehay of Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

一个团员成了知名的钢琴家,另一个团员则在纳许维尔当公关宣传人员。One became a famous pianist, and another became a publicist in Nashville.

这也是我在几年前搬到纳什维尔的原因之一。That is one of the reasons that some years ago I moved to Nashville , TN.

一个纳什维尔大都会学校的学生为废品艺术竞赛设计的。It's an art project by a Metro Nashville student for the Trash Art Contest.

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奥索卡牛仔去纳什维尔于1953年签署的哥伦比亚唱片公司。The Ozark Cowboys went to Nashville in 1953 and signed to Columbia Records.

你有时能见它在纳什维尔演奏乡村音乐,诸如此类Sometimes you see it in Nashville playing with country music, that kind of thing.

大部分的水流入坎伯兰河,通过纳什维尔流动。Much of that water flowed into the Cumberland River, which flows through Nashville.

对了,如果谁住在纳什维尔或是顺路的话,一定通知我一声。Oh, and if anyone lives in Nashville and would like to stop by, please let me know.

她的大量时间都是在这对夫妇36英亩的农场上度过的,这里到纳什维尔要45分钟。She spends a lot of time on the couple's 36-acrefarm, about 45 minutes outside Nashville.

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为什么在纳什维尔之外建一座清真寺田纳西州的人会抗议呢?Why are people in Tennessee protesting plans to build an Islamic center outside Nashville?

美国田纳西州中部一城市,位于纳什维尔以东,是一个农产品集贸中心。人口2,744。A city of central Tennessee east of Nashville. It is a farm trade center. Population, 2,744.

我离开了纳希维尔并前往列克辛顿,在那里我碰到了西奥多西姬和她新近回家的丈夫。I left Nashville and went on to Lexington where I met Theodosia and her newly arrived husband.