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他是一个大老粗。He is a redneck.

他是一个老粗。He is a redneck.

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那乡下人的事情?The redneck thing?

我烦死这乡巴佬了。I'm sick of this redneck.

看来,他是个典型的粗人。He seems to be a typical redneck.

正如他所言,“没有一个乡下人喜欢一条不咬人的狗。”As he said, No redneck wants a dog that won’t bite.

电台脱口秀节目主持人唐.伊穆斯说我是一个“四肢发达、头脑简单的乡下人”。Radio talk-show host Don Imus called me a redneck bozo.

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“红脖子运动会”一年一届,每年都在乔治亚州的都柏林举行。The Redneck Games are held every year in Dublin, Georgia.

隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub.

第14届“红脖子运动会”目前在美国乔治亚州的都柏林市举行。The 14th Annual Summer Redneck Games was held in Dublin, Georgia.

作为一个钱的问题严重德州乡下人,你加入了有利可图的鱼生意。As a Texas redneck with acute money problems, you join the profitable fish business.

这个土里土气的学生点点头,咧嘴笑了,然后走上讲台。The redneck student replies with a nod and a grin, and begins to make his way up to the podium.

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没有人能像杰克·格里森那样能将一个乡巴佬似的警长演得如此生动,电影中这位布福德警长号称是德克萨斯的正义化身。Nobody, but nobody, has ever cussed more colorfully on screen than Gleason as the redneck SHERIFF BUFORD T. JUSTICE, OF TEXAS!!!

姚挨坟出生在田纳西一个守旧的农村家庭,青年时代主要投身于在酒吧喝得烂醉以及在酒吧和人斗殴的事业当中。Born to a family of redneck farmers from Tennessee, Alvin York spent much of his youth getting piss drunk in bars and getting into crazy barfights.

当然门神更是乡下人必不可少的宝物,用意是驱除恶鬼,镇压凶邪,保佑平安,常请的门神一般是秦叔宝和尉迟敬德。Of course keeper is an indispensable redneck treasure, banish evil spirit is meant to suppress fierce evil, bless peace, often please keeper is generally QinShuBao and WeiChiJingDe.

一个迈阿密的锅上世纪70年代走私现场丰富多彩的画像,乡下人海盗,一个大麻吸烟人口教堂,并在美国历史上任期最长的大麻囚犯。A colorful portrait of Miami's pot smuggling scene of the 1970s, populated with redneck pirates, a ganja-smoking church, and the longest serving marijuana prisoner in American history.

可以以群众运动,抵抗不合理的制度等,言论自由,自由抗议,和平主义,安贫乐道,温和的暴力而非大的破坏来实现理想。It means using such means as civil disobedience, outspoken criticism, protest, pacifism, voluntary poverty and even gentle violence if it comes to a matter of restraining some impetuous redneck.