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所有的瘾君子都害怕这一天的到来。It's the day every junkie dreads.

怎么回事,你是那种战争狂人吗?Why, you some kind of war junkie?

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怎样改造状态成瘾者呢?How do you reform a status junkie?

我娶了一个他妈的隐君子做老婆。I got a fucking junkie for a wife.

这家人最终对他们吸毒成隐的儿子死心了。The family finally gave up on their junkie son.

我这些天就像个瘾君子一样等着给我来支强心剂。I'm like a junkie wanting a proper fix these days.

这名吸毒者为了买更多的毒品而偷钱。The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.

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还有哪些症状可以指示出状态成瘾者?What other symptoms might indicate a Status Junkie?

当我第一次和Merrilyn住一块时候,她是个瘾君子。When I first lived with Merrilyn, she was a junkie.

我打算埋头探究并成为一个全职的治疗狂人。I was going to dive in and become a full-time healing junkie.

每次出门他都开一辆旧的旅行车。这车跟了他25年。When he's around, he drives a junkie 25-year-old station wagon.

美国的歌手拉里·格劳克有一首流行歌曲,名叫“垃圾食品大王”。American singer Larry Groce had a hit record called "Junk Food Junkie ".

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Jackie是个hi-fi发烧友,总是把音响调到最大。Jackie is a hi-fi junkie and always keeps his stereo on as loud as possible.

金罗奇是一位高效多产的博客迷,她经常在“有效生活”上写一些博客。Kim Roach is a productivity junkie who blogs regularly at The Optimized Life.

而当他们去买毒品的时候,通常都说自己去“猜火车”。When a junkie would go there to buy his drugs, he would say that he was going "Trainspotting".

马路对面,3个巡逻人手放在头顶往这看,打着灯透过铁栅栏在垃圾堆里照来照去。Across the street, three cruisers have lights going with the junkie up against a steel fence, hands on his head.

在他们一年级最棒的学生中有许多人不能保持好成绩。他们发现有一半的人是上网太多了!So they provided counseling to help students adjust to college-and a year later, the number of web junkie flunkies dropped by half.

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她扮演一位中年前吸毒者在陌生人糖果和高中学生,并会利用任何借口,穿肥大的衣服。She's played a middle-aged former junkie and high school student in Strangers with Candy and will use any excuse to wear a fat suit.

在迪卡普里奥的演艺生涯中,扮演了许多有挑战性的角色,从枪手到瘾君子,双性恋诗人,智障男孩。During his career, DiCaprio has played everything from a gunfighter to a junkie to a bisexual poet to a boy who’s mentally challenged.

有个人的手肘抵在我背后,而前头有个太空迷不时调整他那架大型远距相机的三角架,把我的视野给挡住。Someone's elbow is in my back, and a space junkie keeps blocking my view as he bobs up to check the tripod on his huge telephoto camera.