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小狗狺吠。A puppy yelps.

那是早恋。It's puppy love.

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我可没杀了你的小狗狗。I didn't kill your puppy.

我可是从地狱逃出来的!I'm man from hell, puppy.

我会把你要的小狗准备好。I'll have the puppy ready.

买条小狗。给他取名为沙罗。Buy a puppy. Name it Charo.

小狗汪汪报警了。The puppy barked the alarm.

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小狗轻摇尾巴。The puppy frisked its tail.

你的爱犬越来越发福吗?Is your puppy getting pudgy?

这只小狗真是人见人爱。The puppy is hard to resist.

她对小狗宠爱有加。She has a weakness for puppy.

是一只黑色的小狗崽。It is the puppy Zai in a black.

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看起来像是一只小哈巴狗啊。It looks like a Pekingese puppy.

多可爱的小狗狗啊,是你的吗?What a lovely puppy. Is it yours?

小狗快运明天开始,斯努皮要回家了!The Puppy Express starts tomorrow.

噢,那是帕皮和芭比的房子。Oh, that's Puppy and Barby's house.

那些算是阿猫阿狗的爱情吗?Do you think that it was puppy love?

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早恋,一场暧昧的友谊。Puppy love, an ambiguous friendship.

小狗向它的主人摇尾乞怜。The puppy was fawning on its master.

我家小狗狗喜欢冲我摇尾巴。My puppy likes to wag his tail at me.