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多浪费和可耻啊。So wasteful and contemptible.

自私自利的人是可鄙的。One who is selfish is contemptible.

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欺骗朋友是卑劣的。It is contemptible to cheat friends.

他用卑鄙的手段得以篡权。He usurped power by contemptible measures.

为可怜的或卑鄙视为一个人。A person regarded as pitiable or contemptible.

对朋友耍花招是卑鄙的。That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend.

他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible 7.

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因你们说,耶和华的桌子是可藐视的。In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.

说谎者、伪君子和“洗观点”的人都是可鄙的。The liars, dissemblers and opinion launderers are contemptible.

行为和外表粗野可鄙、没有礼貌。Ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance.

商鞅最令人不齿的行为应当是诈败魏国。Shang Yang's most contemptible acts of fraud should be defeated Wei.

因为他做了一件很可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。The members censured him since he had done a very contemptible thing.

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在选举中他扮演了一个跳梁小丑的角色。In the election , he played the role of a contemptible wretch making trouble.

剧中最可鄙的人物是风度翩翩的花花公子奥斯里克。The most contemptible of the personages in the play is the courtly fop Osric.

在我们的国家还有不少人认为干体力活是下贱的。In our country there are many people think do the physical work is contemptible.

现在,我的希望使我鄙视他们的财富,那笔钱在我看来似乎太不值一提了。At this moment hope makes me despise their riches, which seem to me contemptible.

他的一生是他的观点的合理的结果,而我的一生却自相矛盾,令人鄙视。His life is a logical result of his opinions, and mine is a contemptible non sequitur.

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真正可鄙的是那些不明事理,胡乱造谣生事的势利小人。What's really contemptible are those snobs who confuse logic and wildly gossip to make trouble.

毕竟我已经喜欢上了这个野蛮的小东西,但却看不起这对父母。After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat, the parents were contemptible to me.

华盛顿到目前为止还没有回音只会让其他州的人民更加鄙视华盛顿。That Washington so far has no answer only makes the rest of us find it that much more contemptible.