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换言之,考茨基是个叛徒。In other words, Kautsky is a renegade.

高加索的叛匪死了,他的恐怖事业也会终结。Caucasus Renegade Dies, and His Cause May Die, Too.

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丹尼-高奇和克里斯阿伦表演了“离经叛道”。Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx.

创业堪称一条可行的解决之道,而并非一种叛逆之选。Entrepreneurship can be a viable path, not a renegade choice.

皮肤保养提到阳光,玛吉的观点有点离经叛道。T he Skin Skinny When it comes to sun, Maggie is the renegade.

这位绝地组织的叛离者攻破阿纳金的防御,砍断了他的一条胳膊。The renegade Jedi slashed through Anakin's parries and severed the youth's arm.

几位将军却忠于先王,不愿变节荣狄!Several generals loyal to the king, but first unwilling to renegade sardis honor!

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由于叛徒午餐夫人,厨师安库珀已知安排学生厨师竞争。Known as the Renegade Lunch Lady, Chef Ann Cooper arranged the student chef competition.

他是个叛逆的律师,西顿,碰巧也是个好人,来自非常好的家庭。He's a renegade lawyer, Seton, and coincidentally, a very good man from a very good family.

该酒楼的女服务员发现烟瘾大发的客人把自己反锁在包间里。The chain's waitresses found themselves locked out of private dining-rooms by renegade puffers.

金融市场的剧变引起了许多起关于不守规则的金融家的丑闻。Upheaval in the financial markets has sparked a series of scandals concerning renegade financiers.

苏修叛徒集团彻底背叛了列宁的这些光辉的教导。The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has completely betrayed these brilliant teachings of Lenin's.

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新西兰的一只绵羊为了逃避剪羊毛出逃六年后,最终还是难逃剪羊毛的命运。A renegade New Zealand sheep that managed to evade the shearers for six years has finally had a haircut.

塞德里克并不认同家庭观念,宁可临阵脱逃也不愿意被介绍给马修的父亲。Cédric doesn't believe in family and would rather be a renegade than being introduced to Mathieu's father.

与大量的电力,精确的处理和极端地形准入,叛离的是一个刺激导引头的梦想。With plenty of power, precise handling and extreme terrain access, the Renegade is a thrill seeker's dream.

时间是苛刻的并且这位起来的叛教者学派犹太教有然后障碍他们的份额克服。Times were harsh and this rising renegade sect of Judaism had more then their share of obstacles to overcome.

他被认为是支持性本能论的,其观点试图毁掉,人是善良理性而又纯粹的这一概念。He was seen as a sexual renegade out to destroy the conception of people as good and rational and pure beings.

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加拿大在气候保护方面的“国际叛徒”的名气越来越大,而肯特的表态更恶化了这一形象。The announcement will do little to help Canada's growing reputation as an international renegade on the climate.

这个很有魅力的绝地叛徒深情地谈到克诺比从前的导师奎-冈·金,他曾是杜库的学徒。The charismatic renegade Jedi spoke fondly of Kenobi's old mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn, who had once been Dooku's apprentice.

他牺牲后,保卫同盟最高指挥部的重担基本落在纳拉指挥官及其著名的变节者飞翔大队。After his death, the protection of Alliance High Command fell largely to Commander Narra and his famed Renegade Flight.