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二是域外风险的侵入和波及。Second, extraterritorial incursions and spread risk.

首先,跨境暗杀会越来越频繁。First, extraterritorial assassinations are going to happen more and more.

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第四部分,分析域外传销立法现状和值得我国借鉴之处。Part four discusses the extraterritorial status of MLM and the merits we should learn from.

在本部分,文章主要探讨了域外刑法理论对于打击错误问题的分类。In this section, the article mainly discusses classification of combat error of the theory of extraterritorial criminal law.

破产域外效力的最终实现必须依赖于外国法院的承认与执行。The final realization of the extraterritorial effect of bankruptcy must rely on the admission and execution of foreign courts.

既然是域外法考察,各主要法治国家的差异性也值得详细比较和研究。Upon the extraterritorial investigation, the difference among the countries could also value detailed comparison and research.

结合中国实际,深入研究我国破产法的域外效力问题,具有重要的理论与实践意义。Researches on the extraterritorial effect of insolvency combined with Chinese situation are valuable to both theory and practice.

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无人战机使跨境暗杀更为方便,他写道,已成为国家安全战略“不可或缺的组成部分”。Extraterritorial assassinations facilitated by unmanned drones have become, he writes, “an integral part” of national security strategy.

通过域外相关制度的考察,从而为完善我国的扣押、冻结款物处理程序提供一些启发和借鉴。The author hope to improve China's dealing process of cash's freezing and property's detention through extraterritorial examination of related systems.

汉国号所具有的特殊象征意义,又使得“汉”成为域外有关中国的一种习惯称谓,并逐渐演化为此后直至现今中国主体民族的族称。The symbolic meaning of Han has made Han a habitual extraterritorial title of China and has changed into the present title of Chinese major nationality.

对于纯粹经济损失,域外法国家逐步经过了不予赔偿、例外赔偿、选择赔偿的发展历程。For pure economic loss, Extraterritorial law countries has undergone the process that no compensation, except compensation and the choice of compensation.

因此,许多国家规定了本国反垄断法的域外效力,其中以美国和欧盟的规定最为典型。Therefore many countries regulate that the intra-area antimonopoly law has the extraterritorial effect, and among these countries the regulations of the U.

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境内证券监管部门有权就民营企业在境外间接发行股票并上市交易的行为进行域外监管。Chinese security authority possesses extraterritorial jurisdiction over indirect issuing and listing security abroad by Chinese privately owned enterprises.

从理论研究来看,域外的研究成果比较丰富,而国内相关领域的研究却相当匾乏。From the theoretical study, the results of research on the extraterritorial rich, and the related domestic research in the field of floor plaques rather lack of it.

第二章分别以美国出口管理法和贸易制裁法为主线,具体分析了其贸易管制法域外效力的管辖依据和标准。Chapter Two discusses the standards and foundations of the extraterritorial jurisdiction respectively from the spectacle of export control law and trade sanction law.

减少和避免域外证据开示冲突的较好途径是多国间协商解决,加强国际司法协助。The better way to reduce and avoid conflicts of extraterritorial discovery is the compromise settlement among all nations and strengthening international judicial assistance.

国内竞争法域外适用引发的国际冲突进一步的增加,使竞争与贸易的问题正在成为国际社会新的关注焦点。The extraterritorial effect of national competition law results in more international conflicts, relation between trade and competition highlights in the international society.

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涉外刑事管辖权与域外刑事管辖权是涉外刑事法律范畴的重要概念,它们既相对独立又相互交错。The foreign criminal jurisdiction and extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction which are relatively independent and interactive, are both important concepts of foreign criminal law.

为保护本国利益免受来自域外的“不法行为”的侵害,一些国家开始建立和完善其经济法域外适用制度,美国的表现尤为突出。In order to protect national interests from being violated by illegal extraterritorial behaviours, some countries especially U. S. have applied their economic law extraterritorially.

从这些分类中,我们看到了域外刑法理论将打击错误纳入刑法错误论体系的优胜之处,这对我们具有借鉴意义。From these categories, we can see the error system of extraterritorial criminal law theory is better, which put the combat error into the criminal law system, and it has reference to us.