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你对耶稣咒诅无花果树事件有何感想?How do you feel about Jesus cursing a fig tree?

起先,他坐在一个垫子上面,嘴里诅咒着学校。At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school.

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超不过五分钟就会咒骂一句He couldn't speak for five minutes without cursing.

即使隔了3个房间也能听到你的嘀咕。Hearing your sotto voce cursing from three rooms away.

恶神咒骂着人类的愚蠢,走开了。The Evil God walked away cursing the stupidity of man.

船员们在外面活泼地喊着、骂着。The crewmen were cheerily shouting and cursing outside.

打是亲,骂是爱。Beating is a sign of affection, cursing is a sign of love.

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骂人和抱臂可以降低情感痛苦。Both cursing and arm crossing could reduce emotional torment.

当他们来到水闸时,哈里斯已是汗流浃背,骂不绝口。Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock.

克斯特亚在心里骂着瘦子季曼,起身向那大块头的方向迈出一步。Cursing Skinny Zyama, Kostya took a step in the gangster’s direction.

还包括愤激的狂笑诅咒和咬牙切齿。It also involves howls of exasperation cursing and gnashing of teeth.

“我们该叫保安,”值班人员说,又开始骂起来。“We should get the guard, ” the attendant said and started cursing again.

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这个原则在禁止诅咒与发誓的许多圣训中曾多次出现。This principle appears in many hadiths that prohibit cursing and swearing.

祥子生在北方的乡间,最忌讳随便骂街。Xiangzi had been brought up in a northern village where cursing was taboo.

小刘想起胖子,就忿忿不平,边吃边咒骂道。Little Liu thinks of a fatty, aggrieved, eat while cursing and scolding way.

我真不懂,他咒骂他所遇见的每个人,你知道原因吗?I just can't understand. He is cursing at everyone he meets. Do you know why ?

我们的赞美诗中响起了诅咒上帝的旋律,永远是在忍受他。Our hymn-books resound with a melodious cursing of God and enduring Him forever.

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不依然有众多网友在骂其“害人害己”吗?Many users do not still have been cursing his "harming others and themselves" do?

一道小小的刀口就会让我们疼得龇牙咧嘴,到处找创可贴,其实这样的伤口通常并不严重。A small cut might leave us cursing and reaching for a BandAid, but it's rarely serious.

设想一下,你的孩子在飞机上不听地哭,你就成了大家所诅咒的那个人。Imagine, your child won’t stop crying on the plane. You’re the person everyone is cursing.