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配音网烧烤问题。"Issues" to grill voice network.

我们必须自带烤肉架吗?Do we have to take a grill with us?

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把那还没有熟的丢回去烤。NO15, Throw that back on the grill.

整形成指头大小。烤,扒随你了。Shape in thumb-sized sausages. Grill.

她端出一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎。She carried a piping hot grill of oysters.

那天便是拳王智烤炉诞生的日子。That day the George Foreman grill was born.

你们有烤肉架吗?你用它吗?Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it?

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火升上了后,就别再捅啊翻的。Don't poke or flip it once it's on the grill.

钻孔者在烤架上填满光线的胶片。The driller filled the grill with superb film.

可折叠烧烤架是其中的一个产品。One of our products is a foldable barbeque grill.

炙烤或烘烤你最喜欢的草本植物或香料。Grill or bake with your favorite herbs and spices.

为烤架预热,使用油滴盘。Prepare grill for indirect heat, using a drip pan.

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开启烤肉炊具来烤干肉上的热量。Fire up the BBQ to grill the calories in your meat.

整个夏季,他都在城里一个烧烤店帮忙清理餐桌。He spent the summer buss table in a downtown grill.

大多数通道上都装有叫作吊闸的铁格栅。Most gateways had a metal grill called a portcullis.

假如我会给他人表示的话,我想要一个新的烤肉架做礼物。If I were the hinting kind, I'd hint for a new grill.

其马蹄形散热护栅到今天仍被怀念。Its horseshoe-shaped grill is still remembered today.

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烧烤大师掌勺KGC烤鸡KFC "Grill Sergeants" Master Kentucky Grilled Chicken

它们必须用合适的栅板或隔板遮盖。They must be covered with a suitable grill or screen.

如果我会给别人暗示的话,我想要一个新的烤肉架做礼物。If I were the hinting kind , I'd hint for a new grill.