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法医物证学通过技术揭开犯罪谜底。Forensics uses this technology to help uncover crimes.

岫玉的鉴识很简单,只需捉住几个本性,便可能。Jade forensics is very simple, just to catch a few nature, they may.

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该掘尸是对国家暴力的法庭调查的一部分。The exhumation was part of a forensics investigation into national violence.

DNA分析技术和基因指纹法是法医物证学取得的重要发展之一。"DNA Profiling or "Genetic Fingerprinting" is a major advancement in forensics.

针对数字证据特点和网络取证要求,设计实现了一种基于代理的主动型网络取证系统。A proactive network forensics system based on agents was designed and implemented in this paper.

此外,还要考虑使用一个外部法律团队作为响应团队的一部分,以帮助确定赔偿金额。Also, consider having an outside forensics team as part of the response team to help assess damage.

网络取证把入侵发生后的被动调查转为事件发生之前的主动防御。Network forensics turns the passive investigation after events to the active defense before events.

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虽然您可以检查这些日志,但是您也可以使用它们进行自动审计和检查。Although the logs are available for your review, you can also use them for automated audits and forensics.

针对此篡改技术,提出了一种基于像素匹配的篡改检测算法。Based on image pixel matching, a new image forensics approach nas proposed for detecting copy-paste forgery.

然而,尽管这样,精神病学中自由意志的问题似乎几乎完全被忽略出辩论话题之外。And yet despite this, the issue of free will in psychiatry seems almost completely neglected outside of forensics.

海军建筑师法医小组组委会主席Garzke说“我们都同意泰坦尼克号沉没时确实与海平面形成过一定的角度。”"We all agree that the ship did sink at a shallow angle, " says Garzke, head of the naval architects' forensics panel.

那好吧。我只是碰巧是“犯罪实验室”网页很规矩的读者,所以我知道所有关于警察的辩论。All right, fine. I just happen to be a regular reader of the "Crime Lab " website, so I know all about police forensics.

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警方说,星期二发生的爆炸导致卡拉达地区的政府法医办公室受到严重破坏。Police say the bomb exploded Tuesday, causing major damage to the government forensics office in the Karrada neighborhood.

介绍了计算机取证和LZW无损压缩算法的基本概念和应用特点。The basic knowledge and application features about computer forensics and LZW lossless compression algorithm are introduced.

我们可以凭借它实现完整的备份与兼容性,而这是真正的数据管理策略的重要组成部分。It will allow the full range of backup and forensics and compliance behaviors that form part of a real data management strategy.

电脑鑑识是一项新的研究领域,而且它能对犯罪的行为提供证据作证明,所以电脑稽核成为许多组织的重要部份。Computer Forensics is a new research filed and it is becoming much more probative as computer auditing becomes vital in many organizations.

羡昕为了查出兆良的死亡真相向学华取证,学华亦将有关卓凯的资料转交羡昕。Envy xin forensics in order to detect signs of good death truth whose China, learn Chinese will transfer information about drache envy xin.

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对法医物证学的应用,还要追溯到8世纪的中国,那时人们用按手印的方法来确定文件、泥封的个人识别。The use of forensics science dates back to the 700s when the Chinese used fingerprints to establish identity of documents and clay sculptures.

不同于将注意力集中在血液飞溅的场景和尸体上,虚拟谋杀场景被设计成使得法医学生关注其他主要因素上面。Rather than focus on blood spatters and dead bodies, the virtual murder scene is designed to make forensics students focus on other key elements.

为了打击非法动物制品走私,美国渔业和野生动物部在1989年创立了野生动物法医实验室。In order to combat the trafficking of illegal animal products, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service created a Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in 1989.