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家庭史。D. Family history.

第一,历史悠久。First, long history.

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已有贰拾贰年历史。Had 22 year history.

已有肆拾陆年历史。Had 46 year history.

现在那已成为历史。Now, that is history.

他是历史专业的学生。He is a history major.

他主修历史。He majored in history.

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原因在于市场营销和芬达的历史。Marketing and history.

这涉及改写历史。This rewrites history.

我的本科专业是历史。My undergrad is history.

那都是往事了。That is all history now.

华尔街23号记载着历史。History overhung 23 Wall.

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什么是军事史?What is Military History?

他没上历史课。He bunked a history class.

历史催着曼城南行。History chases City south.

四是人文历史荟萃。Fourth, meta-human history.

在泉州的历史上。In the history of Quanzhou.

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我们从不躲在历史之中。We never hide from history.

这是一本有关光荣的历史的书。He wrote a history of honor.

而不受历史制约。He's not subject to history.