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每天关店的时候。At closing time everyday.

我忘了我已经关过窗户了。I forget closing the window.

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尾音音乐渐渐消失了。The closing music fades out.

最后,打烊的时间到了。At last closing time arrived.

在结束语后面用逗号。End the closing with a comma.

莉莉,他在关窗吗?Is he closing the window, Lily?

敌人第三波进攻快速接近中。Nagase Third wave closing fast.

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在关闭文档前存盘。Save the document before closing.

我关窗您不会介意吧?Do you mind my closing the window?

在打烊之前我会来的。I'll come before the closing time.

“收势”用英语怎么说?How to say closing form in English?

截止日前的检查权。Inspection Rights Prior to Closing.

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小心!车门要关了。Oh! Watch out, the door is closing.

那个老人忘记关过门了。The old man forgot closing the door.

今日。喺我校既散学-毕业典礼。Today. Is my school closing ceremony.

闭幕式也是一个大的盛会。The closing ceremony is one big party.

克瑞斯说他们要关掉这家酒吧了。Chris says they're closing down the bar.

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请你为我关上门好么?Could you oblige me by closing the door?

我对他的闭幕词不太赞同。I didn't agree with his closing remarks.

检测烟囱百叶窗的闭合性。Inspect the closing of louver of funnel.