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他死于心脏病突然发作。He died of a heart seizure.

什么原因导致局灶性癫痫发作?What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?

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葆拉从没见过有人癫痫发作。Paula had never seen an epileptic seizure.

那些走私品是被海关没收的。The seizure of contraband is made by customs.

1998年一个温暖的秋夜,麦克突然发病。On a warm fall night in 1998, Mike had a seizure.

这个消息是在他发病后得到的。The news came after he suffered a sassier seizure.

突然他急病发作脸朝下栽在地上。Suddenly he falls face first while having a seizure.

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她表示不清楚这次查抄的原因。The reasons for the seizure "are not very clear", she said.

英国正式永久占领香港。Britain’s seizure of Hong Kong was formalised, in perpetuity.

发作性痴笑的主要症状就是控制不住地大笑。The main symptom of a gelastic seizure is uncontrolled laughter.

华惠的倒闭标志着监管力度的加大。WaMu's seizure marks another step-up in regulatory muscle-flexing.

结论脑电图是诊断癫痫的根本依据。Conclusion EEGs were fundamental criterion in diagnosis of seizure.

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他派使者去到希西家面前,威胁要夺取耶路撒冷。He sent messengers to Hezekiah threatening the seizure of Jerusalem.

迷走神经刺激术对海人藻酸致痫的大鼠痫性发作的影响。VNS effects on seizure of rats with epilepsy induced by Kainic acid.

还真的有这歌曲?这厮就该捉起来关黑屋。That was a real song? I thought this chink was just having a seizure.

对两组患者在治疗中痉挛发作情况进行分析。The status of convulsive seizure was compared between the two groups.

元的类型和用量需要取决于类型的扣押。The type of AED and the dosage needed depends on the type of seizure.

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甚至是短暂的电话摘机状况将引起一次占线。Even a momentary off-hook condition of a telephone may cause a seizure.

由此可见,我司具有超强的开发和品检体系。So, I have super Secretary to the development and the seizure of goods.

且控制惊厥疗效好于安定组。The effect of midazolam in seizure control was better than of diazepam.