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威尼尔露出满足的微笑说,“我已经吃饱了。”" Weinier shows contented smile to say, "I am already satiate.

人的自我价值的内涵应指人对自身的意义和对自我需要的满足。People's self-value means that people benefit themselves and that people satiate their own needs.

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这只有在植物中才能找到的纤维有助减肥,因为它能够使人饱足。Fiber, which is found only in plants, helps people to lose weight because of its ability to satiate.

完全按照“早上吃好,中午吃饱,晚上吃少”的原则。Complete according to " had eaten in the morning, satiate midday, eat in the evening little " principle.

怎样才能弥补人类蛋白质的不足,让生活在地球上的人们都吃好、吃饱呢?。How does ability make up for the inadequacy of human protein, let live in tellurian has people had, satiate?

如果孩子在两个小时内又要喝奶,就表示孩子在上一餐的时候没有吃饱。If the child wants to drink a milk again inside two hours, state the child is going up feed when not satiate.

区熔S评分高,不仅会在其部门的,但超越的,旨在满足一般的风格和时尚的乘客的需要。FZ-S scores high in looks not only in its segment but beyond and is designed to satiate the need for style and fashion by riders.

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然而当人们已经餍足且对于未来缺乏信心时,刺激消费的效果可能很有限。But when people are already satiate and lack of confidence in their future, the promotion of consumption might has limited effect.

随着原子,几个变化是计划包括一些新的功能和选项,以满足球迷们等待的新模式。As the Atom, several changes are planned including some new features and options to satiate fans while they wait for the new model.

我们从最低阶段出来,大约在17世纪,人们只为满足私欲而活,那是个非常黑暗的时期。We came out of the lowest state, wherein we lived only to satiate our appetites, about 1700 A. D. You know what the dark ages were.

欲望让人受困于不停地去试图满足它,从而使人不能专注于自己永恒的、自然的、固有的幸福。Desires keep one involved in trying to satiate the desires, consequently detracting one from his constant, natural, inherent happiness.

欲望会使人陷入到试图去满足欲望的状况中,因此会减少一个人对持续的、自然的、内在的幸福的体验。Desires keep one involved in trying to satiate the desires, consequently detracting one from his constant, natural, inherent happiness.

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以下所述,系为满足日益增长的对有关活僵尸们将会如何影响这个世界的未来形态的知识渴求,而做的一次尝试。What follows is an attempt to satiate the ever-growing hunger for knowledge about how zombies will influence the future shape of the world.

如果不小心多吃了坚果,就要减少一日三餐的用油量和饮食量,不要在吃饱喝足后大吃坚果。If you accidentally eat a nut, it is necessary to reduce the fuel consumption and eating three meals a day capacity, do not eat nuts after satiate.

也就是说,人在吃进一些食品之后,大脑的食欲中心会发出“吃饱了”的信号,人就会停止进食。That is to say, the person is eating after eating a few food, the appetite center of cerebrum can be given out " satiate " signal, the person can stop to take food.

在旅途中,吃饭方面很容易将就一下,结果顿顿都是快餐,不用下车虽然方便,但食物太腻,这可对长途旅行没有什么帮助。It can be easy to fall into a fast food rut on the road, but while a drive-thru combo meal may satiate your appetite, it won't help your energy level in the long run.

因此,对任何城堡而言,诵经院实为必需设施,不仅可予其居民以精神激励,尚可抵御异端思想侵蚀。Thus, constructing a Small Chapel is a mandatory exercise for any lord who hopes to satiate his subjects' sense of spirituality, as well as stave off the ever-present threat of heresy.

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让我们面对现实,我们在这里的唯一原因,是因为食人对电视节目来说是一个大新闻,对于某些在选举暂落下风的人来说,有什么比引起媒体关注更加有效呢?Let's face it. The only reason we're all here is because cannibalism makes for good television. What better to satiate some pre-election hunger pangs than a belly full of media attention?

更为根本的一点是,社会民主主义理念本身就埋下他们所反对的种子,他们所推进的充满矛盾的政治议程,永远都不能让他们满意。Most fundamentally, since the ideal of social democracy contains the seeds of the very exploitation they oppose, they are pushing a contradictory political agenda that can never satiate them.