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“好了,爵爷。”副官说。"Yes, your excellency, " said the adjutant.

是否像那个不停呻吟的副官的样子?Was he like that unceasing moan of the adjutant?

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于是一位副官驰进树林去找格列科夫。And an adjutant galloped into the wood after Grekov.

作为副官,我有责任安排他的日常事务。As adjutant I was responsible for his day-to-day programme.

一个副官带着一名哥萨克从街上急驰而过。An adjutant galloped down the street, followed by a Cossack.

张启山带着齐铁嘴和副官出发前往矿山。Zhang Qi belts JiTie mouth and adjutant set off for the mine.

我要亲自和副官出去侦察一下训练地区。I'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas.

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副官会在白天还剩30秒的时候提醒你。The Adjutant informs you whenever 30 seconds of daylight remain.

在地后面还走进了一个副官和团部的军需官。He was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment.

助理不再,但是他的助手一位年轻的上尉却在。The adjutant was not in, but his assistant, a young lieutenant, was.

张副官来见陈皮,将二爷的计划告诉他。Plans to Mr Zhang adjutant came to dried tangerine or orange peel, tell him.

张启山命令张副官等铺设炸药,炸毁矿洞。Zhang Qishan command zhang adjutant laying such as explosives, blow up mine.

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这时曹副官来报,得知村里男人在空屋。Adjutant cao to quote at this moment, that men in an empty house in the village.

波拿巴的副官携带这封令人恐怖的书函向缪拉处奔驰而来。Bonaparte's adjutant dashed off at full gallop with this menacing letter to Murat.

触发吉姆雷诺任务的事实上是他的机器人副官。The mission contact in the Raynor mission strand is actually a cybernetic adjutant.

而郭骑云也成为了明台手下的副官跟着他们一起抵达了上海。While Guo Qiyun has become Taiwan's adjutant Ming arrived in Shanghai along with them.

张副官从陈皮得知了田中凉子的住处。Zhang adjutant learned the Tian Zhongliang son dwellings from dried tangerine or orange peel.

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中午,缪拉派他的副官到拿破仑那儿请求援兵。In the middle of the day Murat sent his adjutant to Napoleon with a request for reinforcements.

二月红和张副官谈论时提到日本人,翠翠突然哭了起来。Red and zhang adjutant mentioned when talking about the Japanese in February, cui cui burst into tears.

“您瞧瞧,您瞧瞧,”这个副官说着,他不望那远方的部队却沿着他前面的一座大山向下望去。"Look, look! "this adjutant said, looking not at the troops in the distance, but down the hill before him.