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这是一张未兑现金的支票。This is an outstanding check.

学术上,徐是出色的。Academically Hsu was outstanding.

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你真是杰出人材。You’re an outstanding individual.

他把未支付的款项全部交清了。He paid the outstanding amount in full.

她们盖了一大批房屋。They built a outstanding bulk of abodes.

周谷城是杰出的爱国主义者。Zhou Gucheng was an outstanding patriot.

他的出色的服务受到表扬。He was cited for his outstanding service.

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是一个山青水秀、人杰地灵的好地方。Is a a good place for outstanding people.

求是基金会杰出科学家奖。Outstanding Scientist Award of Qiushi Fund.

贺绿汀是一位杰出的音乐教育家。He Lv-ting is an outstanding music educator.

我为你们出色的表演感到高慢。I was proud of your outstanding performance.

我公司位于人杰地灵。My company is located in outstanding people.

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我们还有三千元的未偿还贷款。We still have an outstanding loan for 3,000.

他的哥哥是一名出色的大管演奏家。His brother is an outstanding bassoon player.

获得优秀学生干部称号。Was the title of outstanding student leaders.

事实上,我认为他很杰出。As a matter of fact I think he is outstanding.

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我相信他们是优秀生。I don't believe they are outstanding students.

“SECA小红人”年终成绩特别优异!Outstanding achievements of "SECA Little Reds"!

这是我听过的最高明的答案。That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard.