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粥和烤牛肉片做的长颈鹿。Giraffe made of polenta and roast beef pieces.

加入面粉、玉米粥、发酵粉和小苏打粉。Add the flour, polenta , baking powder and baking soda.

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配典型的红肉,野味,玉米粥,蘑菇,奶酪。Excellent with typical red meat, game, polenta and mushrooms, tasty cheese.

黑菌玉米糕,配芝士,芦笋和橄榄沙司。Truffle Polenta Cake, Pan Fried Taleggio Cheese, Asparagus, Olive Dressing.

焗澳洲牛柳,番茄,蘑菇配以香煎玉米饼及菜心。Baked Australian Beef Fillet, Tomato, Mushroom on Grilled Polenta with Green Vegetable.

配搭新英格兰式的玉米鳕鱼杂烩或麦片玉米粽子。Best paired with New England style corn-and-cod chowder or Portobello and polenta tamales.

传统伦巴第亚风味烩猪肋排,猪脚,香肠,卷心菜配玉米饼。Traditional Lombardia stew, with pork ribs, sausage, pork feet, braised cabbage and soft polenta.

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现在开始制作蛋糕,用一个大搅拌碗把第一次筛选的玉米粥,面粉,发酵粉和肉桂混合。Now to make the cake, take a large mixing bowl and first sift the polenta , flour, baking powder and cinnamon.

甚至当她费劲地嚼着很硬的鸸鹋肉,从血淋淋的玉米糊里拔出肉片来的时候,她仍觉出自己脸上挂着微笑。She felt as though she smiled even while chewing the rather tough emu fillet, plucking the dense slices from their bed of bloodied polenta.

主食以玉米粥和大米粥为主,辅以白薯和各类蔬菜、豆类等天然食品,常用火麻油炒菜。Staple food to polenta and rice, supplemented by sweet potatoes and various vegetables, beans and other natural food, commonly used cooking oil fire.

你会发现土豆、面食、米饭以及如面包、糕点或大麦粥的谷类食物,都是很好的解毒剂,它们能解毒因维持生命所需的错误酸所造成的过酸系统。One will find that potatoes, pasta, rice and grains such as breads and cakes or polenta are good antidotes to an overly acidic system of the wrong kind of acid to support life.