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我的护照已过期了。My passport is out of date.

他的护照已过期。His passport is out of date.

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现在她的护照已过期了。Now her passport has expired.

这是我的机票和护照。Here's my ticket and passport.

他们要求看我的护照。They asked to see my passport.

他们没收了他的护照。They confiscated his passport.

护照是一本很好的身份证。A passport is a very good I. D.

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我什么时候能取护照?When can I collect my passport?

这是我的机票和护照。Here are my ticket and passport.

甚至没有护照或身份证件。Not even a passport or ID paper.

我从来没再用过那本护照。I never used that passport again.

难道阿谀奉承是成功之道吗?Is flattery a passport to success.

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这是我的护照和入境表格。Here are my passport and I-94 form.

这是我的欧陆周游券及护照。Here's my Eurail Pass and my passport.

这是蚊帐所记录的护照。This is as recorded itn your passport.

我可以看你的工作证及护照吗?May I see your ARC and passport please?

你的护照盖印了吗?Have you got any stamps in your passport?

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需持加籍护照,或美国签证。Canadian passport or USA visa is required.

他把照片黏贴在护照上。He glued his photograph into his passport.

这是我的护照和邀请信。Here is my passport and invitation letter.