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中国立法委员呼吁禁止鲨鱼翅交易。Lawmaker urges shark fin trading ban.

朝鲜希望与韩国国会议员举行会谈。DPRK wants lawmaker talks with S. Korea.

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吕是一个立法委员和县领导。Lu has served as a lawmaker and a county leader.

但很少有人认为,这名46岁的议员正在统领全局。But few think the 46-year-old lawmaker is running the show.

立法委员住宅的价值是不需要报告的。A lawmaker does not have to report the value of his or her house.

阿鲁姆的拳手是立法者,另一个家伙的教练可能是犯法者。Arum's fighter is a lawmaker. The other guy's trainer may be a lawbreaker.

虽说我们的立法者在竞选之后已经累了,但他几乎得不到休息。Though our lawmaker is tired after the campaign, he will have little rest.

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叶盛茂也在另一件案子里泄密给一位立委,判决有罪。Yeh was also found guilty of leaking secrets to a lawmaker in a separate case.

一起突发的州议员夫人被杀案,更是打乱了上层圈子的生活。A state lawmaker lady with the murder, but also upset the upper circles of life.

来自埃尔冈山地区的前议员基西罗批评了政府采取的军事行动。A former lawmaker from the district, Wilberforce Kisiero criticized the operation.

如果再一次失败,第三个立法者完成任务的期限只有14天。In case of another failure, a third lawmaker might be tasked with a 14-day time limit.

云林立委说,国民党竞选决策者不了解南部的议题。The Yunlin lawmaker says the KMT's campaign strategist doesn't understand southern issues.

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一位民主党议员已允诺2009年伊始,进行新的网络中立法的立法。A Democratic lawmaker has already promised new network-neutrality legislation early in 2009.

年轻人要入读该校,必须要经过推荐,一般是由联邦或者州立法者来推荐的。A young man or woman must be nominated to the academy usually by a federal or state lawmaker.

年轻男性或女性必须要有人向学校提名,通常是由联邦或州立法者来提名。A young man or woman must be nominated to the academy, usually by a federal or state lawmaker.

毫无疑问,这位美国第十六任总统是另一位伊利诺斯州议员的英雄。Not surprisingly, America's sixteenth president is a hero of another former Illinois lawmaker.

这位亚利桑那州参议员星期二指称欧巴马为了赢得只援而言行不一。The Arizona lawmaker today accused Obama of saying one thing and doing another to win support.

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更重要的是,这位国会议员很明显对自己的不当行为采取的应对方式是公然、反复的撒谎。What's more, it's clear the lawmaker lied about his personal misconduct, blatantly and repeatedly.

但是,保守派议员巴纳比·乔伊斯说,这名好莱坞女星应该置身于政治之外。However, conservative lawmaker Barnaby Joyce says the Hollywood actress should keep out of politics.

一位共和党立法者提出法案,欲设立专门委员会来考虑该问题。A Republican lawmaker there introduced a bill that sets up a special committee to explore the option.