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请再说一遍Pardon me?

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原谅我,先生。Pardon me, sir.

你说,再说一遍Yes? Pardon me?

能重复一下吗I beg your pardon.

我恳求你帮助。I entreat your pardon.

我拿什么来原谅你!How could I pardon you!

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我恳求你发发慈悲。I entreated your pardon.

我罪恶全赦免得称义。To pardon and sanctify me.

什么,是的,有鲜奶油的Pardon me? With whip cream.

因为我不能赦免你的乔迪。For I can not pardon Geordie"."

他恳求老师原谅他。He craved the teacher's pardon.

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你是怎么想的?什么?What do you think it is? Pardon.

我请市长先生原谅。I beg Monsieur le Maire's pardon.

我恳切地请求你原谅。I earnestly pray for your pardon.

希望你原谅你的女朋友。It is hoped that pardon your G-F.

对不起,在哪可以找到儿童玩具?Pardon me, where can I find toys?

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我不会宽恕你,你这个无赖。I will not pardon you, you rascal.

我愿意饶恕你,你是诚笃的。I will pardon you, who are honest.

哦,呃,先生对不起,呃,夫人。Oh, euh pardon Monsieur euh Madame.