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我们坐在小间里。We sat in the den.

这是她的章鱼“兽穴”。This is her octopus "den.

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老虎住在洞里。The tiger lives in the den.

模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴。To inhabit or hide in a den.

那只虎退回巢穴。The tiger retired to its den.

那位老妇想退隐林泉。The old woman wanted to den up.

他们追踪狐狸直抵巢穴。They traced the fox to its den.

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我望见书房里的窗帘被人拉开。I saw a curtain move in the den.

在学校我读课文。In der Schule lese ich den Text.

狗追狐狸到其巢穴。The dog traced a fox to its den.

二楼还有一间小房。The second floor also has a den.

汤姆在狮穴捋狮须。Tom bearded the lion in its den.

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一个朝下的又深又潮的黑洞。Down the deep damp dark dank den.

有人译出了这篇课文。Man hat den Text schon uebersetzt.

冬天蛇在蛇洞里冬眠。The snakes den up during the winter.

为什么她会来这南书房?Why will she come to this south den?

他发现自己陷入了贼窝。He found himself in a den of thieves.

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那只熊在一个中空的木头里做了个窝。The bear made its den in a hollow log.

你竟敢在太岁头上动土。You dare to beard the lion in his den.