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结果是灾难性的。The results were cataclysmic.

事实证明,这些力量聚合在一起产生的后果是灾难性的。Together, these forces proved cataclysmic.

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中度极化的双星系统是激变变星中的一种类型。Intermediate polars are a type of cataclysmic variable star system.

老子在庄子之前便懂得幽默,一种淡定、尖锐然而洪亮的嘲笑。Laotse had laughed before him, a thin, shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.

飓风卡崔娜带来大洪水让爵士乐之都噤了声。Hurricane Katrina has quieted the jazz capital with its cataclysmic floods.

人们很容难把恐龙长逝的缘由归结为宽酷的灾难性事件。One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event.

但他们并没有走多远,索瑞森的怒火导致了洪水般的魔法波动。They had not gone far when Thaurissan's fury resulted in a spell of cataclysmic proportions.

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坦博拉火山于1812年就开始明显地发出隆隆的雷声,在1815年4月才构成了一个灾难性的喷发。Tambora started to grumble noticeably in 1812, building up to a cataclysmic eruption in April 1815.

但是随之逐渐增长的地面下的压力可以引起偶然性的大变动的爆发。But the gradual build-up of underground pressure can lead to occasional bursts of cataclysmic activity.

这个坑洞尺寸与所要寻求的相同,最关键的是,它的年代也和毁灭性撞击的年代相符合。The crater was the right size and — crucially — the right age to be the site of the cataclysmic impact.

他用他那能引发大地灾难的力量炸开了元素位面的顶层并把一场大毁灭带给了艾泽拉斯。With cataclysmic force, he burst through the ceiling of the elemental plane and brought destruction to Azeroth.

虽然大灾变只是针对本土玩家,最后的晚餐也严重影响了跨大西洋贸易。While cataclysmic for the domestic industry, the Last Supper also had a substantial effect on transatlantic trade.

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综合这些资讯,我们很明确知道肇因于灾难性撞击的大规模灭绝,是例外而非通则。Together these data make it clear that cataclysmic impact as a cause of mass extinction was the exception, not the rule.

事实上,福山从未指出过“历史的终结”意味着极端暴力和灾难性事件的终止。In fact, Fukuyama never suggested that the "end of history" entailed the cessation of extreme violence or cataclysmic events.

这可能是当未来人们居住的行星,运转于一个激变星的双星系统下所需要担忧的事情。Such dilemmas might be pondered one day by future humans living on a planet orbiting a cataclysmic variable binary star system.

但他最著名的故事中有一个,即亚特兰蒂斯古文明的突然毁灭,却几乎是一个不折不扣的谎言。But one of his most famous stories—the cataclysmic destruction of the ancient civilization of Atlantis—is almost certainly false.

在地球形成之初,其表面的残骸和大火山爆发等毁坏了所有关于生命的证据,如同纵火犯在作案后掩盖了作案的痕迹。During Earth's opening act, space debris and cataclysmic volcanic upheavals destroyed the evidence, like an arsonist torching his tracks.

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不要等到真相显露的灾难时刻到来,运用日常发生的事情去发现你所经历的转变的意义。Don't wait for a cataclysmic moment when the truth is revealed. Use everyday occurrences to find meaning in the changes you are going through.

科学家,政治家和传媒最先感受到危机之迫近,但他们当中,亦无人能猜透它的潜在影响。Scientists, politicians and the press are the first to sense the imminent disaster, but none can really envisage its cataclysmic consequences.

一个从天而降的建筑奇迹在意大利小城诺拉诞生。A jaw-dropping feat of volcanic architecture has risen in the Italian city of Nola, just a stone's throw away from the cataclysmic Mt. Vesuvius.