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吉利恩是最佳种子选手之一。Gillian is one of the top seeds.

吉莉安喜欢简单的穿著。Gillian likes to wear simple clothes.

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希望娶吉琳为妻的人,得要有许多钱。Gillian would need to have a lot money.

接着埃迪向他妹妹吉莉安求助。Next, Eddie turned to his sister, Gillian.

他们感觉被阿娇玩转了头。They feel they have been Gillian Fun head.

吉莉安安德森和辛西娅尼克松客串。Gillian Anderson and Cynthia Nixon guest star.

苏丹总统已于今天原谅了她。Sudan's president pardoned Gillian Gibbons today.

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吉莉安•韦英1963年出生于英国伯明翰。Gillian Wearing was born in Birmingham, England in 1963.

阿娇进入房间,仿佛世界不重要。Gillian entered the room as if the world were unimportant.

吉莉安叫他去比利汉堡店打工。Gillian told him to get a part-time job at Billy’s Burgers.

那么,“到淡化”通过与阿娇韦尔奇的Decemberists的。So is "Down By The Water" by the Decemberists with Gillian Welch.

这喜剧中心的已婚夫妇哈维和吉莉安。This comedy centers around the married couple Harvey and Gillian.

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阿娇去他的俱乐部。他找到了他一个人叫老布赖森。Gillian went to his club. He searched for a man he called Old Bryson.

邰蒂在剑桥大学获得社会人文学博士学位。Gillian Tett has a PhD in social anthropology from Cambridge University.

希望娶吉琳为妻的人,得要有许多钱。Anyone who hopes to win the hand of Gillian would need to have a lot money.

蔡卓妍始终站在钟欣桐前面以保护钟欣桐。Charlene placed herself in front of Gillian the entire time to protect her.

在我看来,阿娇得不到公众的原谅是正常的。In my view, it is very normal that Gillian cannot gain the excuse from public.

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与此同时,有报道称钟欣桐不能处理所有压力。At the same time, there are reports that Gillian could not handle all the pressure.

门卫打开大门门锁,向她招手时,吉莲安隐隐地感到不安。Gillian felt slightly uneasy as the porter unlocked the gates and waved her through.

我个人认为这是吉莉安。陈的责任,与其他明星无关。Personally I think it is Gillian Chung, rather than the other stars , that is to blame.