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他拉弓放了一箭。He snot an arrow from his bow.

一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.

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我抬头看着他的鼻子,发现有块鼻屎岌岌可危。Looking up at his nose, I saw snot dripping.

结果他说话的动作导致那大块鼻涕径直掉进了我嘴里。The movement of his lips caused the snot to fo . k . into my mouth.

结果他说话的动作导致那鼻屎直接掉进了我嘴里。The movement of his lips caused the snot to fall right into my mouth.

你以为我会带着那副苦瓜脸一把鼻涕一把眼泪而来?You thought I'd be my usual blubbery mess of snot and tears, didn't you?

苍蝇又落到撒旦脸上。一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。The flies settled on Satan again. He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.

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临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed.

在这个故事以前,他一直在对自己鼻涕的抗生特性做研究。Before that he had been researching the antibiotic properties of his own snot.

超低温保存或许是鲵鱼,又称隐鳃鲵的最后机会。Cryopreservation may be the last chance for the hellbender, aka the snot otter.

在赛跑的最后半分钟,迪克突然冲过去跑到了其他运动员的前面。During the last half minute of the race, Dick snot out in front of the other runner.

就在我还没反应过来的时候,鼻涕溅在了我的脸上、脖子上。Next thing I know, there's snot splattered all over my face and neck. Turns out it was a sneeze.

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如果把农业部的人赶抽去而我们搬进去,难道他们不会说什么吗?Won't the Ministry of Agriculture people have something to say if they are snot out and we moved in?

但是,你最近一次亲眼看到身着名贵套装的妈妈衣服上没有口水和鼻涕是什么时候?But when's the last time you actually saw a mother in a designer suit that wasn't stained with spit or snot?

我最初的记忆是,我在一张临时凑合的床上醒过来,鼻孔和嘴里有干结的鼻涕,身上盖着一张芦苇毯子。My first memory is of awakening in a makeshift bed, dried snot caked in my nose and mouth, under a blanket of reeds.

“我们把这些家伙的鼻涕都踢出来了,”他在海军陆战队员返回基地时告诉他们,那是他们离开约14小时后。"We kicked the snot out of these guys, " he told the Marines on their return to base, some 14 hours after they left.

气味分子进入我们鼻子里的气味中心,然后穿过鼻子里黏液的物体即是鼻涕,再降落在特定的感觉器官上。They travel to your nose's smell centers. There they dive through gooey mucous – snot – to fit onto special smell cells.

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今天男朋友躺在我身上,很萌地看着我的眼睛,然后打了个喷嚏喷了我一脸。FML。Today, my boyfriend was laying on top of me, looking lovingly into my eyes, when he sneezed, covering my face with snot. FML.

工人晃晃悠悠地用食指按住鼻翼的一边,从另一边鼻孔里擤出长长的一条鼻涕。The navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot.

张大嘴巴和鼻孔,假装打一个会让对方满脸唾液的大喷嚏。Open your mouth and flare your nostrils as though a big ol’ sneeze is about to spray thousands of snot particles all over their face.