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另外我的丈夫是一个数学奇才。My hubby is a math wiz.

希望给爸比一个暖呼呼的新年。Wishing hubby a warm warm New Year.

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我先生比我小二岁呢!My hubby is two-year younger than I am.

昨晚我丈夫和我观看了节目“超级保姆”。Last night my hubby and I watched Supernanny.

我老公送这样我的结婚纪念礼物给我!My hubby did that for a wedding present to me!

这是我那好好先生马克送我的33岁生日礼物。This is my 33th birthday present from my lovely hubby.

就这样我加入了康宝来,买了产品让我的丈夫食用。I joined Herbalife and purchase the products for my hubby.

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凯蒂·佩里想和丈夫拉塞尔·布兰德生个孩子。Katy Perry wants to have new hubby Russell Brand's babies.

就像潘多拉一样,丈夫刚离开,嫦娥就迫不及待地打开了盒子。Just like Pandora, Chang`e was into the box as soon as hubby was out of the door.

但是这一次,她走进了当地雇员的手与丈夫的显示阿布舍克巴克强在手。But this time she ll walk into the show hand-in-hand with hubby Abhishek Bachchan.

粉丝布丁,里面还有珍珠和坚果,我觉得挺好吃的,小马嫌有点太甜。I really like this dessert vermicelli pudding, although hubby thought it is a bit too sweet.

我在意乱情迷的时候喊出了前任男友的名字,我老公当时一听到别的男人的名字,立刻就偃旗息鼓了。I yelled my ex's name in pleasure and my hubby was very frustrated hearing another man's name.

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当我老公站起来的时候踩到了肥皂然后撞到了水龙头的冷人开关并且把自己的胸部给烫伤了。As my hubby stood up after getting the soap he knocked the water handle and was burnt on his chest.

我得说明我丈夫有着相当好的体格——他一周多数天都跑步和举重。I must say that my hubby is in pretty good shape – he runs and lifts weights most days of the week.

今日我地坐火车去斯洛伐克市,主要系去睇石窟,系老公系网上揾的资料。Today we headed to Beroun via train, mainly to visit the Koneprusy Caves that hubby researched online.

周末老公给我们做牛奶蛋糕的时候用的鸡蛋有一个是自家后院拿的那种感觉真好。It was so nice when hubby made us our usual pancakes over the weekend and used an egg from our backyard.

老公陪仔仔去兴趣班了,婆婆出去买水果了。所以,我一个人可以很安静。My hubby accompanied our son to go to have interest class today and mother-in-law went out to buy some fruit.

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我丈夫呆在家里陪她,并是使我们女儿现在如此可爱的一个不可或缺因素。My hubby stayed home with her and played an integral part in raising her to be the amazing child she is today.

孩子们爱死这玩意儿了,你老公会觉得这东西很搞笑,但最棒的是,全家人都更爱卫生了。Kids will love it, your hubby will find it hilarious and the best part is that everyone will enjoy getting clean.

一天,他的妻子走进厨房,发现丈夫画了数百张大张着嘴好似外星人的面孔。One day, his wife came in to the kitchen to find her hubby drawing hundreds of alien-like faces with mouths agape.