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难道你忘了,你是女人。Do you forget your feminity.

职业女性形象设计②。Image design of professional feminity II.

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这些照片依照吸引力、女性化与健康分等级。The pictures were rated for attractiveness, feminity , and healthiness.

长期以来公众认为男性主义与女性主义是相互对立的两个极端。The general public have long regarded masculinity and feminity as opposite extremes of a continuum.

但我认为探讨男性化还是女性化已经过时了。To me masculinity is all my perception, and I think masculinity and feminity is very old-fashioned.

本论文通过论述后女性主义的理论,探索“女性”的定义和女性形象的再定位。Post feminists theories are employed in this paper for finding the new definition and status of"feminity".

在实际生活中,男尊女卑、男权至上的意识仍占伊斯兰教妇女观的主导地位。In real life, the consciousness of patriarchy still plays a dominant part in the conception of Islamic feminity.

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研究显示,生育可以有效提升女性的魅力,同时减少乳腺癌等疾病的发病率。Research has found that giving birth can help women's feminity and reduce the risk of diseases, such as breast cancer.

第四章从宋代的歌妓文化,宋人在词中形象和心态的变化,以及宋人艺术审美的精细化、雅致化三方面来体现宋词“女性化”的文化意蕴。In the fourth chapter the author will discuss the influence of Geji and the art preference of Song Dynasty one the feminity cultural meaning of Ci.

一个饶有兴味的反向作用例子是,有的男子特别害怕具有任何温柔多情的表现,他们将这视为女性特征。An interesting example of a reaction formation is one displayed by men who are afraid of any sign of softness, which they equate with feminity , in their make-up.

企业集团需要一个标志,将是跨多种服务,这个特殊的需要,以反映他们的新鲜和美容产品的女性气质多才多艺。Company group requiring a logo that would be versatile across a variety of services, this particular one needed to reflect the freshness and feminity of their beauty products.

用社会性别理论对伊斯兰教的妇女观进行分析,对研究伊斯兰教以及改善穆斯林妇女的境遇,提高妇女在家庭和社会中的地位有着重要意义。Conducting analysis of Islamic view on feminity with the gender theory, will be of great significance for improving the situation of Muslim women and improving women's status in society.

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伊斯兰教妇女观,在主体方面体现了“男女相生”、“性别和谐”的观念,凸现了妇女作为“人”的社会属性。Islamic feminity reflects the conception of mutual promotion between men and women, and the gender harmony on the subjective aspect, signifying women's social attribution as human being.