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这小伙子干活有股傻劲儿。That youngster works with a will.

是英国人对年轻人的称呼。Tiddler is a British term for youngster.

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现在有些年轻人根本指责不得。Now, some youngster even can't be blamed.

江逢灿说他对能支持这个年轻人感到自豪。Jiang said he was proud to back the youngster.

麻烦的是那个男孩很?腆。The trouble is that the youngster is very shy.

是那个少年先对阿夜动的手!Is that youngster first to the night move of hand!

有一个少年迈着大步大胆地走近了詹金斯。A youngster approached Jerkins with a bold swagger.

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那是因为我年轻时曾打过棒球。That's because I used to play when I was a youngster.

现在有些年轻人不愿吃苦。Nowadays,some youngster are unwilling to bear hardship.

她的年轻美貌可能为她招致危险。Her youngster and pulchritude could expose her to danger.

有一个小伙子起来给老太太让了个座儿。A youngster stood up and offered his seat to the old lady.

母亲把小孩抬起推进他的双层床上铺。Mother boosted the youngster into the top of his bunk bed.

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嗯,如果你小的时候,每次一看到难题,Well, if you're youngster and every time you see a problem,

这位年轻人有火红的头发不肯放平。The youngster has flaming red hair that refuses to lie flat.

现在年青人写诗已是司空见惯。Nowadays there is nothing strange in a youngster writing verses.

反动警察向群众开枪,打伤了一个青年。The reactionary police fired on the crowd, wounding one youngster.

彩楼背后的戏棚是孩童攀爬窥探的神秘世界。The backstage activities are a mysterious world for this youngster.

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一个年青人在巴布亚新几内亚的一个节日里炫耀他的泡泡糖。A youngster shows off with bubble gum at a festival in Papua New Guinea.

这位前达努比奥的年轻人谈到了对尤文时攻入的进球。The former Danubio youngster then reflected on his goal against Juventus.

小家伙一贯很诚实,可他特别想再要一只气球。The youngster was always truthful , but he wanted another balloon badly.