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“渐”的本质是“时间”。Time" is the essence of "gradualness".

造物主骗人的手段,也莫如“渐”。It is by this " gradualness" that the Creator deceives all humans.

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所以,安乐死立法宜循序渐进。In a word, the legislation of mercy killing is suitable for gradualness.

事实上,时间并不会带来任何的和谐或平安,我们必须停止这种渐进的想法。But time doesn't bring order or peace, so we must stop thinking in terms of gradualness.

在此情况下,我们预期1800点附近的阶段性支撑依然明显。Under this situation, our anticipated 1800 points nearby gradualness support is still obvious.

这真是大自然的神秘的原则,造物主的微妙的工夫!"Gradualness"is really the mysterious law of Mother Nature, the subtle artifice of the Creator!

在每一个时期里面事物的状态、特征是不同的,生命周期论强调了成长的阶段性。Inside each time the thing are different, the life cycle theory emphasized the growth gradualness.

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人之能堪受境遇的变衰,也全靠这“渐”的助力。It is also due to this "gradualness" that one is able to reconcile himself to his reduced circumstances.

其内容涵括主体利益的群众性现实性、渐进性和统一性。The mass character, reality, gradualness and unity of the subject's interests constitute its main contents.

总的来说,在保增长背景下,迎来了阶段性投资机会。Generally speaking, in guarantees under the growth background, has welcomed gradualness opportunities for investment.

在中国目前的条件下,实现农业规模经营具有客观的必然性和渐进性。Under realistic conditions in China, there are any inevitability and gradualness to realize scale management of agriculture.

但随着她们阅历的丰富,她们也正逐渐告别青春写作而成长为真正的女性作家。But in company with their saw is gotten exuberance, them too just gradualness adieux bloom written whereas grew into genuine female author.

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给出了拉格朗日微分中值定理和第一积分中值定理中值点的渐进性的更一般性的结果及其简洁证明。Gives more general results on the gradualness of the median point of Lagranges median theorem and first median theorem for integrals and its succinct proof.

阶段性检查结果显示,有22家婴幼儿奶粉生产企业的69批次产品检出了含量不同的三聚氰胺。Gradualness check result showed that some 22 babies and infants powdered milk Production enterprise's 69 raid of products have picked out the content different melamine.

当代中华民族精神的基本特征是传统与现代的统一、东方文化与西方文化的统一、革新与渐进的统一。Its fundamental characteristic is the unity of tradition and modernity, the unity of oriental culture and occidental culture, and the unity of innovation and gradualness.

在历史文化的视野中,它具有历史发展的渐进性和理论生成上的多源性两大特点。From the historical and cultural point of view it has two characteristics, the gradualness in its historical development and the multi origin nature in its theoretical formation.

由于我国正处于体制转轨的特定历史发展时期,消极腐败现象呈阶段性多发、高发态势。Because our country is being in the system switcher the specific historical development time, the negative corruption assumes gradualness to send, high to send the situation much.

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近年来,从工程实际操作性来考虑,松散状路用木质素纤维逐渐被颗粒状路用木质素纤维所替代。In recent years, granular cellulose fiber for road construction is considered for engineering of practice gender which substitute gradualness loose cellulose for road construction.

主体权利和国家义务的渐进性,使该类权利在核心内容之外的边界难以确定,可诉性和司法救济的实现相应遭遇障碍。Gradualness of the subject"s right and national compulsory make people hard to define the boundary out of the central contents, so actionability and judicial relief face some obstacles."

文章提倡校园规划应注重人的参与和场所精神的形成,并由此产生出对校园规划的整体性和渐进式规划方法的一些思考。The article advocates that public participation and space spirit should be high considered in campus planning, and suggests some ideas about planning methods of integrity and gradualness.