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那以后我又去过几次比荷卢地区。I've since been back to the Benelux area multiple times.

之一,这些组织是比荷卢商会。One of these organizations is the Benelux Chamber of Commerce.

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我明天就要消失三个礼拜,去德、法、荷、比、卢。I'll leave tomorrow for a trip in Germany, France, and Benelux.

不同于中欧的是,荷比卢有更多的石油,但煤更少。In contrast to Central Europe, Benelux has more oil available, but less coal.

使用特别的补充能源表,请见附件。Use the special resource re-supply table for Benelux included in these rules.

因此,我们强烈的代表组成的比荷卢经济社会在北京和上海。We therefore are strong representatives of the Benelux community in Beijing and Shanghai.

上个星期,四个国家向荷卢银行伸出了援手。That was the case of last week's rescue by four countries of the Benelux banks Dexia and Fortis.

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尽管在荷比卢三国实力雄厚,富通集团近年来一直被更为强大的英国和法国银行所压制。While powerful in the Benelux region, the bank in recent years had been overshadowed by bigger U.

由中国经济贸易界有代表性的人士、企业和团体组成的全国民间对外经贸组织。BenCham strives to strengthen business, government and community ties between Benelux organisations and individuals in China.

自此,原富通业务核心的荷比卢三国银行与保险业务已经与上市公司无缘。Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business and has no chance of listed companies.

从那时起,比荷卢经济联盟的富通银行和保险业最初的核心业务与上市公司业务已经错过了。Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed.

二战后比利时加入了北大西洋公约组织,并和荷兰、卢森堡一起组成Benelux三国经济联盟。After World War II, Belgium joined NATO and, together with the Netherlands and Luxembourg, formed the Benelux group of nations.

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与三国经济联盟的其他组织保持良好的关系并就知识产权问题达成一致。To maintain friendly relations with other organisations in the Benelux and elsewhere with regard to intellectual property issues.

几百万来自南欧的工人到德国、瑞士、法国、比荷卢经济联盟以及斯堪的那维亚半岛去工作。Millions of workers from the countries of southern Europe have gone to work in Germany, Switzerland, France, the Benelux nations and Scandinavia.

大多数到了比荷卢三国的中国人是“代表团”是些顶着不干正事恶名的中国的官员或者商务代表团。Many of the Chinese tourists in the Benelux countries are members of daibiaotuan, official or business delegations with a reputation as boondoggles.

但在有些国家,尤其是比利时、荷兰、卢森堡,付款期限是45天、60天,甚至更长。Most agencies will pay you within 30 days, but there are some, especially in the Benelux countries, that define payment terms of 45, 60 or more days.

荷兰欧泰科技有限公司是一家在铸造,锻造和重型工业钢结构制造业处于领先地位的欧洲公司。Eurotech Benelux BV from The Netherlands is one of the leading European companies in Casting, Forging, Industrial Steel Structure Fabricating and Graphic Machinery Building.

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瑞士和美国对银行的资本要求也在提高,法国、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡对资本率的要求也处在上升通道,不仅仅是新兴市场的银行可能需要更多资本.With Swiss and U.S. capital also moving up and ratios in French and Benelux banks on the rise, it's not just emerging market banks that are potentially in need of more capital.