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这王尔恺是个有名的青年政客,在重庆做着不大不上的官。This Wang Erk'ai was a well-known young politician, a middle-level official in Chungking.

和东京还要求英国关闭滇缅公路向中国然后作为重庆市知名。And Tokyo also demanded that Britain close the Burma Road to the Chinese city then known as Chungking.

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让我们再用一点时间回顾一下一九四五年,当时蒋介右避居在山城重庆。Let us go back again for a moment to the year 1945 and rejoin Chiang Kai-shek in his rock-ribbed refuge at Chungking.

酒店坐落在尖沙咀弥敦道重庆大厦12层,如果你想在香港旅行的话,住在这里还是非常完美的。It is located in Chungking Mansion 12th floor, Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, which is very good location for travel Hong Kong.

愚蠢的重庆发言人没有想一想,究竟到那里去叛变谁呢?That blockhead of a Chungking spokesman did not stop to think. Against whom would the New Fourth Army be mutinying in that area?

重庆大厦原本就是一个“在商会资本主义中坚固的追求利润的孤岛,虽然它有些棱角已经被打磨掉了。Chungking Mansions turns out to be "a staunch bourgeois enclave of chamber-of-commerce capitalism, albeit with a few corners cut".

麦登高表示,这些非法劳工撑起了重庆大厦的经济,他们愿以微薄的薪水干活。According to Prof Mathews, these illegal workers carry the economy of Chungking Mansions as they are willing to work for a pittance.

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一个世纪以前,你只是扬子江上的一个小河港,一个中国中南部的闭塞之地,有一个略显不同的名字,重庆。A century ago, you were but a minor port on the Yangtze, a backwater of south-central China with a slightly different name, Chungking.

重庆的谈判,重庆的旧政协,南京的谈判,都是辩论。The Chungking negotiations, the old Political Consultative Conference held in Chungking and the Nanking negotiations were all debates.

我的朋友告诉我不要订重庆大厦里的酒店,因为那附近有许多拉客的。我对他的建议其实有点怀疑。Actually I was bit doubt when my friend said that not to book any hostel in Chungking Mansions since there are many touts around there.

伦敦、华盛顿、莫斯科和重庆在昨日午夜共同宣布了这一消息。This was announced in London, Washington, Moscow, and Chungking at midnight last night. Broadcasting the news at that hour Mr. Attlee said

马修斯在本书开端时就用了一个理论——“虽然重庆大厦的违法是众所周知的,不过这个地方却让人并不惊奇”。Mr Mathews starts with the assumption that "whereas the illegalities in Chungking Mansions are widely known, the wondrousness of the place is not."

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故皖南事变及重庆军事委员会一月十七日的命令,不过是一系列事变的开始而已。Thus the Southern Anhwei Incident and the Order of January 17 of the Military Council in Chungking are merely the beginning of a series of incidents.

放鹰风气兴起,野外猛禽类命运多舛。图为重庆南路群众围观选购雏鹰。The growing popularity of falconry is bad news for many small creatures in the wild. Here people watch a buyer choose a falconet on Chungking South Road.

同年三月十九日,美帝国主义和国民党政府出动重轰炸机多架,将其炸沉于中国东北辽东湾的葫芦岛附近。On March 19 the U. S. imperialists and the Kuomintang bandits sent heavy bombers and sank the Chungking off Hulutao, in Liaotung Gulf in northeastern China.

在香港尖沙咀狭小的、廉租的重庆大夏居住着数千个外来人员,在这里多元化是最为明显的。This diversity is perhaps most apparent at Chungking Mansions, a warrenlike, low-rent residential complex in the Tsimshatsui district that houses thousands of Hong Kong's foreigners.

这跟香港的外国人一直是银行家或者是跨国公司的高管这样的有钱人的形象相反,那些住在重庆大厦的人都是来自于尼泊尔、孟加拉这些较穷的亚洲国家。Contrary to the image of the Hong Kong expat as fat cat banker or multinational exec, those who call Chungking Mansions home hail from Asia's poorer countries such as Nepal and Bangladesh.