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谁还用正版的诺基亚手机呢?Who needs Nokia?

诺基亚和微软2007年之前。Nokia and Microsoft pre-2007.

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包头地区诺基亚E66多少钱?Be how much turban area Nokia E66?

诺基亚的N900手机使用了ARM芯片。The Nokia N900 handset uses ARM chips.

目前,诺基亚E60使用键盘。Currently, Nokia E60 uses the keyboard.

在印度,诺基亚也在进行着殊死战斗。In India, Nokia is in a bruising fight.

固定健全问题,诺基亚的S40平台。Fixed sound issues on Nokia S40 platform.

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诺基亚还可能遭遇更多的同类问题。Nokia can expect more of the same rockiness.

当然可以。这是诺基亚新款N97。最新款的牌子。Sure. it's the NOKIA N97. A brand-new model.

诺基亚公司给塞班的出价是每股3.647欧元。Nokia has offered €3.647 a share for Symbian.

他花500元买了一个诺基亚5230的盗窟机。He spent 500 yuan on the copycat of Nokia 5230.

我们相信诺基亚N8将会非常吸引用户。We believe the Nokia N8 will have great appeal.

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摩托车2009年是一个不错的游戏,诺基亚5800上运行。MotoGP 2009 is a nice game to run on Nokia 5800.

诺基亚刚刚公布了它有史以来最差的财报。Nokia has just announced its worst-ever results.

毫无悬念,是芬兰的移动手机制造商诺基亚。The Finnish mobile phone manufacturer Nokia Oyj.

诺基亚E63在商丘最低卖多少啊?Does Nokia E63 sell a number in Shangqiu minimum?

诺基亚6300在海南海口行货现在价格?。Nokia 6300 does goods price now in Hainan Haikou?

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诺基亚重要战略转移将裁员7000人Nokia slashes 7, 000 jobs in major strategy shift

诺基亚还公布了N97手机的价格。Nokia also disclosed the pricing of its N97 phone.

诺基亚5235地图导航这个功能很不错呢!Nokia 5235 map guidance this function is very good!