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这是我的考评清单。Here's my checklist.

为你的小孩列一个清单。Create a checklist for your kids.

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外科手术组的一名组员负责列这份检查清单。One member of the surgical team administers the checklist.

见本章开头的综合一览表。See the general checklist at the beginning of this chapter.

运用故事规划表、顺序表、检查表。Using a story planner, a story board and a story checklist.

使用这个安全检查表来保护购物者Use this security checklist to protect yourself as a shopper

阿章的诊断包括了可能的原因清单。A chapter on diagnosis includes a checklist of likely causes.

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在开始行李打包前核对一下物品清单。Check out this interactive checklist before you start to pack.

我也会寄一份视讯会议确认清单给妳。I'll also be sending you a checklist for the video conference.

在餐厅备餐的过程中严格遵守服务标准。By completing checklist on preparing the restaurant for service.

我每天使用一种迅速脑力备忘录帮助我保持平衡。I use a quick mental checklist each day to help me stay balanced.

列举了作为一名大管家所需要的物品清单。Appendix 14 A provides a fuller checklist of items a butler needs.

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这些原则是可访问性检查列表的基础。These principles are the foundation of the accessibility checklist.

有些人设定一个计划,或有人为他们定下一个清单。Some people create a plan or have someone create a checklist for them.

这里是一份清单,上面写着去印度前要买的东西。Here is a checklist of things you need to buy before travelling to India.

随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。We have devised the enclosed checklist to be used for your future orders.

前台有地图和观鸟地点一览表可供拿取。A map and a bird-watches' field checklist are available at the front desk.

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现在登陆StarVA.com可免费获得“外包软件一览表和免费贴士”。Visit to grab your free ‘Outsourcing Checklist &Free Tips’ now!

在开始之前,对照下面的检查单进行检查,确保具备了这些条件Before starting, go through this checklist to make sure you have the following

这就是下周即将在达拉斯拍卖的指挥官洛弗尔的清单。It is Commander Lovell's checklist that's being auctioned in Dallas next week.