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金钱是战争地恋爱和肌腱。Money is the sinew of love and of war.

在本届杯赛上,他就是要卓越超群。He’ll strain every sinew at this World Cup.

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如果你可以控制你的心灵你的神经你的肉体If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

这是筋肆虐的战争,雇主和雇员之间。That is the sinew raging war between employers and employees.

祷告是细长的肌腱可以牵动无所不能者的肌肉。Prayer is the slender sinew that moves the muscle of omnipotence.

文中还讨论了提高碳化钛骨架筋的致密度的机理。The mechanism of increase in density of the sinew of was discussed.

古时的人用骨针和动物筋缝制毛皮衣裳。The early humans used bone needles and sinew to sew clothes of skin and fur.

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我额外地绑扎把手和耳的地方固定筋腱。In addition, I bound the handle and ear areas some more to hold down the sinew.

假如你能驱使你的心力和精神,在别人走后,长久地坚守阵地。If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone.

考证传统功法易筋经的含义、起源、内容与作用。This article studies the connotation, source, contents and function of sinew changing technique.

在许多国家竭尽全力要助工业一臂之力之际,中国正反其道而行之。While many nations are straining every sinew to give industry a leg-up, China is doing the opposite.

其次,腱子是艰苦准备,提供理想的长链,以支付背面的弓。Next, the sinew is laboriously prepared, providing strands of ideal length to cover the back of the bow.

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玩动物筋的人,将筋穿过一张皮的洞,再穿过另一张皮上的一个洞。Someone playing with the sinew put it through a hole in one skin and then through a hole in another skin.

通过易筋经的锻炼确实能变易筋骨、强壮内腑。However, practicing sinew changing technique can really improve the bones and tendons, strengthen the organs.

清理肉的脂肪或肌腱。然后,把牛肉放置在室温温度至少两个小时。Clean any fat or sinew. Then, leave the beef to reach room temperature for at least two hours prior to cooking.

在应用的精力以后每层数,浪潮和移动稍微更加接近弓的技巧,它最后将形成“圈子”。After each layer of sinew applied, tide and move the bow tips a little bit closer, finally it will form a "circle".

相反,它们生产储存能量的纤维素,纤维素形成了植物的脉络和骨架。Instead, they make energy-bearing sugars in a form called cellulose, which forms the sinew or skeleton of the plant.

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渗出部位按左右肾前筋膜、小网膜囊、胰腺被膜下及腹水统计,每一部位计1分。The edema in sinew of kidney, lesser omental bursa or peripancreas, and ascites were recorded, 1 point scored each site.

因此,加强冬训的训练监控和营养调控对提高运动员体能,预防过度训练十分重要。It is important to reinforce training monitoring and nutrition control to improve athletes sinew and prevent overtraining.

祂已经应许要拯救我这软弱瘸腿的,所以,让我们像雅各那样,虽然大腿筋扭到了,仍然在祷告中奋力,走完天路!Behold He hath said it shall be so, and therefore, like Jacob, prevailing in prayer, I go forward though my sinew be shrunk.